Introduction, Safety briefing and Objectives of the course
The need for high power on board vessels has resulted in the usage of High Voltage systems in ships. In marine field, voltage above 1kv is called as high voltage. 3.3 kv, 6.6kv and 11kv are the typical HV systems in marine. In this course, you will start with learning about the importance of safety when working in electrical systems and meaning and electrical hazards of high voltage systems. Before working on any HV systems, it is very much necessary to ensure that the system is dead, isolated and earthed. The main electrical hazards in high voltage systems include electrical shock, arc flash and arc blast.
Then, the high voltage system installation and its safety regulations are discussed. High voltage installations are unique in their application and they require periodical inspection. Next, safety procedures when working in HV systems including work permits, precautions to be taken during live and dead working are discussed. Finally, you will learn the various types of personal protective equipment (PPE) which are very much mandatory when working in HV systems. PPE includes gloves, helmets, face shields, shoes, insulation mats etc.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this course, you will be able to: