
Engineering Management (EMG)

Course Topics

  • Regulatory Aspects
  • 1.0 International Treaties, Conventions, Protocols, Rules, Legislations and Regulations and Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS)
  • Law of the sea (UNCLOS)
  • Baseline and Internal Waters
  • Territorial Waters
  • Continental shelf
  • Exclusive Economic Zone
  • Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone
  • Define International Straits
  • High seas
  • UNCLOS on Marine Pollution
  • The Law of the Seas as implemented in India
  • ACT-1976 as amended
  • International Maritime Organisation (IMO) 1948
  • Organs of the IMO
  • Maritime stakeholders
  • Method of adoption of International Regulations
  • Developing International Conventions
  • Role of IMO and Flag States
  • IMO Conventions by Ratification process, Establishment of Convention
  • Maritime Laws
  • Resolution-Introduction, Proposal and Adoption
  • Tacit Acceptance in LL Convention
  • IMO Circulars
  • Implementing International Conventions
  • Flag State Legislation-Implementation and Verification
  • IMO's Conventions Safety, Pollution, Liability and Compensation, and related other subjects
  • Key IMO Conventions
  • SOLAS Convention 1974
  • Contents of SOLAS
  • Ship Certificates Documents under SOLAS
  • Regulatory Surveys and Penalities
  • Documents and Certificates to be carried on board
  • Procedure to determine applicability of regulations to ships of different builds
  • SOLAS Updates and Amendments
  • Sources and Effects of Marine Pollution
  • MARPOL Convention
  • MARPOL Annex I - Oil
  • Application and Exemption
  • Pumping out Bilges and During tank Cleaning
  • Survey Requirements
  • IOPP certificate and its duration and validity
  • Requirements for Machinery spaces
  • Oil fuel tank protection
  • Standard Discharge Connections
  • Oil Content MonitorBilge Alarm Monitor
  • Bilge Oil Separator
  • Oil Record Book Part I and Part 11
  • PSC and Control of Operational Discharge of Oil
  • Requirements for the cargo area of oil tankers
  • Segregated Ballast Tanks (SBTs)
  • Double hull and double bottom requirements for oil tankers (for tankers delivered on, before or after 6th July, 1996)
  • Prevention of oil pollution from oil tankers carrying heavy grade oil as cargo
  • Pump Room Bottom Protection
  • Accidental Oil Outflow Performance
  • Hypothetical Outflow of Oil from Tanker due to damage
  • Limitations of size and arrangement of cargo tanks
  • Intact Stability, Subdivisions and Damaged Stability
  • Slop Tanks
  • Pumping, Piping and Discharge Arrangements
  • Systems and Arrangements
  • Crude Oil Washing Requirements
  • Equipment
  • MARPOL Equipment List
  • Reception Facilities
  • Pollution prevention- STS operations
  • Requirements for the Antarctic
  • MARPOL Annex II - NLS
  • Categorization and Listing of Noxious Liquid Substances (NLS) and Other Substances
  • Surveys
  • Duration and validity of the Certificate
  • Design, Construction, Arrangement and Equipment
  • Procedures and Arrangements Manual (P & A Manual)
  • Operational Discharges of residues of NLS
  • Measures of control by port States
  • Reception Facilities and Cargo unloading terminal arrangements
  • Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan-SMPEP
  • Discharge Criteria for Annex II
  • MARPOL Annex III - IMDG Code
  • Classification of IMDG Cargo
  • Packing, Marking and Labeling
  • Stowage of DG
  • Dangerous Goods in Containers
  • Documentation and other Regulations
  • Port state control on operational requirements
  • Summary of Annex III Regulations
  • MARPOL Annex IV - Sewage
  • Surveys and Issue of Certificate and validity - PSC Verification
  • Equipment Sewage System
  • Sewage Treatment Plant
  • Discharge Criteria
  • Reception facilities and holding tanks
  • MARPOL Annex V - Garbage, PSC and operational requirements
  • 1.0 International Treaties, Conventions, Protocols, Rules, Legislations and Regulations and Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS)
  • Accidental Oil Outflow Performance
  • ACT-1976 as amended
  • Application and Exemption
  • Baseline and Internal Waters
  • Bilge Oil Separator
  • Categorization and Listing of Noxious Liquid Substances (NLS) and Other Substances
  • Classification of IMDG Cargo
  • Contents of SOLAS
  • Continental shelf
  • Crude Oil Washing Requirements
  • Dangerous Goods in Containers
  • Define International Straits
  • Design, Construction, Arrangement and Equipment
  • Developing International Conventions
  • Discharge Criteria for Annex II
  • Discharge Criteria
  • Documentation and other Regulations
  • Documents and Certificates to be carried on board
  • Double hull and double bottom requirements for oil tankers (for tankers delivered on, before or after 6th July, 19%)
  • Duration and validity of the Certificate
  • Equipment Sewage System
  • Equipment
  • Exclusive Economic Zone
  • Flag State Legislation-Implementation and Verification
  • High seas
  • Hypothetical Outflow of Oil from Tanker due to damage
  • IMO Circulars
  • IMO Conventions by Ratification process, Establishment of Convention
  • IMO's Conventions Safety, Pollution, Liability and Compensation, and related other subjects
  • Implementing International Conventions
  • Intact Stability, Subdivisions and Damaged Stability
  • International Maritime Organisation (IMO) 1948
  • IOPP certificate and its duration and validity
  • Key IMO Conventions
  • Law of the sea (UNCLOS)
  • Limitations of size and arrangement of cargo tanks
  • Maritime Laws
  • Maritime stakeholders
  • MARPOL Annex I - Oil
  • MARPOL Annex II - NLS
  • MARPOL Annex III - IMDG code
  • MARPOL Annex IV - Sewage
  • MARPOL Annex V - Garbage, PSC and operational requirements
  • MARPOL Convention
  • MARPOL Equipment List
  • Measures of control by port States
  • Method of adoption of International Regulations
  • Oil Content MonitorBilge Alarm Monitor
  • Oil fuel tank protection
  • Oil Record Book Part I and Part 11
  • Operational Discharges of residues of NLS
  • Organs of the IMO
  • Packing, Marking and Labeling
  • Pollution prevention- STS operations
  • Port state control on operational requirements
  • Prevention of oil pollution from oil tankers carrying heav.y grade oil as cargo
  • Procedure to determine applicability of regulations to ships of different builds
  • Procedures and Arrangements Manual (P & A Manual)
  • PSC and Control of Operational Discharge of Oil
  • Pump Room Bottom Protection
  • Pumping out Bilges and During tank Cleaning
  • Pumping, Piping and Discharge Arrangements
  • Reception Facilities and Cargo unloading terminal arrangements
  • Reception facilities and holding tanks
  • Reception Facilities
  • Regulatory Aspects
  • Regulatory Surveys and Penalities
  • Requirements for Machinery spaces
  • Requirements for the Antarctic
  • Requirements for the cargo area of oil tankers
  • Resolution-Introduction, Proposal and Adoption
  • Role of IMO and Flag States
  • Segregated Ballast Tanks (SBTs)
  • Sewage Treatment Plant
  • Ship Certificates Documents under SOLAS
  • Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan-SMPEP
  • Slop Tanks
  • SOLAS Convention 1974
  • SOLAS Updates and Amendments
  • Sources and Effects of Marine Pollution
  • Standard Discharge Connections
  • Stowage of DG
  • Summary of Annex Ill Regulations
  • Survey Requirements
  • Surveys and Issue of Certificate and validity - PSC Verification
  • Surveys
  • Systems and Arrangements
  • Tacit Acceptance in LL Convention
  • Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone
  • Territorial Waters
  • The Law of the Seas as implemented in India
  • UNCLOS on Marine Pollution
  • Application and Exception
  • Placards, garbage management plans and garbage record-keeping
  • Disposal of Garbage outside and within special areas
  • Garbage Record Book
  • MARPOL Annex VI - Air
  • Definitions, Application and Exemptions
  • Issue or endorsement of Certificates
  • PSC detection of violations and enforcement
  • Ozone-Depleting Substances
  • Sulfur Oxides (SOX) and particulate matter
  • Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
  • Shipboard Incineration
  • Reception Facilities (2)
  • Fuel Oil Availability and Quality
  • Fuel Oil Supply Availability and Quality Requirements (FOSAR)
  • Special Areas and PSSAs
  • Introduction to Air Pollution in merchant ships
  • Brief overview of Air Emissions
  • Some methods to reduce Air Emissions
  • SOX, Soot, smoke and particulate matter
  • NOx
  • Introduction to Regulations on prevention of Air Pollution from Ships
  • Legislation
  • Wash water criteria
  • System Guidelines
  • Emissions Monitoring
  • EGC System Approval
  • Possible ways for compliance
  • Exhaust Gas Cleaning System Guidelines
  • Energy Efficiency on ships
  • Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI)
  • Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP)
  • Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator (EEOI)
  • Energy Efficiency Calculations
  • Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and the Carbon Intensity Indicator (Cll).
  • Pollution Casualties and Criminalization of Seafarers
  • Criminalization of Seafarers in Pollution Related Cases
  • STCW 1978
  • STCW Amendments
  • Conventions on Maritime Safety
  • LOAD LINE 1966
  • Freeboard as related to Load Lines
  • Tabular data for Freeboard
  • Openings on the Deck and Sides of the Ship
  • Stability Aspects for Ships Carrying
  • Note on the load lines of Tankers
  • International Convention on Load Lines, 1966
  • Surveys and Markings
  • Duration and Validity
  • Control
  • Regulations for Determining Load Lines (Annex 1 of the Convention)
  • Some Important Definitions
  • Load Line Mark
  • Identification of the Assigning Authority and Details of Marking
  • Conditions of Assignment of Freeboard
  • Freeboards
  • Corrections
  • Super structures
  • Trunks
  • Deduction for Superstructures and Trunks
  • Sheer
  • Minimum Bow Height
  • Minimum Freeboard
  • Loadline Surveys
  • LOADLINE Amendments
  • CSC 1972
  • SAR 1979
  • SIJA 1988
  • COLREG 1972
  • Conventions on Prevention of Marine Pollution- Liability claims and compensations - IMO instruments
  • LLMC Convention
  • CLC Convention
  • Fund Convention- IOPC funds
  • HNS funds Convention
  • Bunker Convention 2001
  • OPRC Convention
  • Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention 2007
  • AFS Convention
  • Dumping Convention
  • Intervention Convention
  • BWM Convention
  • BWM 2004
  • Ballast Water Management
  • Procedures and Arrangement Manual
  • BWM - Possible Treatment Methods
  • Ballast Water Treatment Process--Filtration
  • Ballast Water Treatment Process--Chemical Disinfection
  • Ballast Water Treatment Process--Physical Disinfection
  • BWTTechnologies
  • Other Conventions
  • TONNAGE 1969
  • Some important definitions (2)
  • Basic Philosophy of Tonnage Computation
  • Tonnage Computation
  • Application of the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships
  • Some Comments on Tonnage Measurements - Copy
  • Some Comments on Tonnage Measurements
  • TONNAGE Amendments
  • FAL Convention
  • IMO Codes
  • IBC code 1983
  • IGC code 1983
  • LSA code 1998
  • FSS code 2000
  • ISPS code 2002
  • IMDG code 2002
  • IS code 2008
  • IMSBC code 2008
  • FTP code 2010
  • ESP code 2011
  • NOISE code 2014
  • RO code 2015
  • IGF code 2015
  • IMO Instruments Implementation (III) Code 2016
  • International Institutions
  • IACS
  • IAPH
  • ICS
  • IMB
  • ISF
  • ITF
  • WHO
  • World Shipping Council
  • Knowledge of National Regulations- Indian Merchant Shipping Act
  • Certain Important definitions under MS ACT
  • Registration of Ships
  • About Registration of Ships
  • Why Registration
  • What is a Ship Registry
  • Selecting a Flag State
  • Explain (FOC) flags of convenience
  • The Registration Process
  • Registration Requirements of Various Flag States
  • Registration of Ships in India
  • Documents Required for Change of Flag
  • Resources
  • Engagement, discharge and management of crew
  • Manning Scales and Certifications
  • Certificates of Officers
  • Basic Entitlements of seamen and apprentices
  • Contracts of employment, wages and other remuneration, advances, allotments, payment into bank accounts
  • Descriptions, deceased seamen, engagement of substitutes
  • Repatriation, assisting and repatriating Indian seamen distressed abroad
  • On Board Complaints Procedures
  • The official log book and the law relating to entries
  • Entries required to be made in Official log books
  • Offences relating to misconduct, to endangering ship and against persons on board
  • Discipline and treatment of disciplinary offences
  • Civil liability for certain offences
  • Trade disputes involving seamen
  • The official log book entries and records in freeboard draft and allowances
  • Crew accommodation
  • Hygiene of the ship and welfare of the crew
  • Outline knowledge of the regulations relating to medical stores Inspection and reports
  • Fresh water and provisions
  • Procedures in cases of infectious disease, illness or accidents.
  • Maritime Declaration of health
  • Port health Requirements
  • International agreements and measures to prevent the spread of disease by shipping
  • The safety of the ship, crew and passengers
  • Some important provisions with respect to Safety
  • Unseaworthy and Unsafe Ships
  • Assistance of vessels in distress and salvage
  • Master's duties in the case of collision or any other accident Collecting Evidences Lodging Protests Inquires and Investigation
  • Duties of Master after collision
  • Certain Miscellaneous Provisions in MS ACT
  • 1.3.1 Method of adoption of National Regulations
  • 3.5 Ship inspections for first entry into Indian flag
  • 2.0 Quality and Safety Management
  • ISO 9001-2015, Ship board internal audit – Total Quality Management
  • Quality, Quality Assurance and QA in Shipping
  • Quality
  • Quality Assurance
  • QA Systems and Standards
  • Vision, Mission, Policy and Strategy
  • QA System at Work
  • Importance of Reporting
  • Cost of Quality
  • QA in Shipping
  • Resources (2)
  • TQM-Total quality management
  • Managing an Expanding Fleet
  • Significance of Reporting
  • Responsibility for Quality Assurance
  • Well managed Fleet
  • Explain that the technique facilitates the establishment of a management system that enables organizational growth through a framework for continuous improvement
  • It also helps individuals to acquire the commitment, knowledge and skills to improve his or her own work within an enabling environment
  • ISM code 1998
  • Requirements of ISM Code
  • Scope of ISM code
  • Responsibilities and Authority
  • Resources and Personnel
  • Shipboard Operations and Emergencies
  • Maintenance
  • Documentation and Auditing
  • Certification
  • ISM Amendments
  • Implementation of ISM Code? Chief Engineer's responsibilities
  • Safety Management System (SMS)
  • Concepts of Safety Management
  • Superintendent's Role in Safety Management
  • Key components of Safety Management
  • Importance of Addressing Non-conformity
  • Reports and Analysis
  • How to Analyze and Rectify Non-conformity
  • Human Element
  • Shipboard internal audits
  • Types of Audit – 1st, 2nd and 3rd Party explained with case studies
  • Auditing Techniques Planning – Preparation – Performance – Reporting and Follow-up – Close OutsAuditing Techniques: Planning – Preparation – Performance – Reporting and Follow-up – Close Outs Learning objectives: After reading this to
  • Writing Audit Findings as Audit Reports including accidents, incidents and hazardous occurrences
  • Corrective and Preventive Action and being able to identify Major and Minor Non-Conformance and Observations
  • Requirements to become a Lead Auditor for Quality, Safety, Environmental and Security Management Systems
  • Safe Working Practice
  • Classification societies and their functions
  • Classification Society
  • Assigning Class Notation
  • Assignment, maintenance, suspension and withdrawal of Class
  • Change of Class Requirements
  • Classification societies and their functions Resources
  • Ship Stability
  • 4.1 Ship stability- during drydocking
  • 4.2 Damage stability during flooding and grounding. Counter measures to be taken.
  • Damage Stability Basics
  • Effect of Damage(hull rupture)
  • Post-damage Scenario
  • Corrective Action
  • Salvage
  • Scope of Stability Verification
  • Bilging of Compartments
  • Effect of Bilging
  • List due to Bilging
  • Permeability
  • 4.3 Recommendation on Intact stability for Passenger and Cargo ships (IMO Intact Stability Code 2008)
  • Precautions against capsizing
  • Intact and Damage Stability Criteria for Passenger and Cargo Ships
  • Stability Information Available in Hydrostatic Tables
  • Severe Wind and Weather Heeling Criteria
  • Heel while turning
  • Parametric Rolling
  • 4.4 Probabilistic method of damage stability assessment
  • External Information
  • References
  • External Links
  • Downloads
  • 5.0 Casualty Investigation
  • Implementation, Control and Coordination of Casualties
  • Reporting to IMO of marine safety investigations and marine casualties and incidents
  • Applicable IMO instruments on casualty matters
  • Conducting Casualty Investigation
  • Investigation
  • Investigation - Bulk Carriers Structural Damage
  • Investigation
  • Investigation - Collisions
  • Investigation - Fires
  • Investigation - Groundings
  • Investigation Propulsion or Steering Failure
  • Investigation-Personnel Injuries
  • Investigation, Analysis, Report and Conclusion
  • 6.0 Official log books and procedures relating to entries
  • 6.1 Legislation requirements
  • Log Book as the Official Record of Trips made by a Ship
  • Log book as a legal document and official channel of communication between the master and the administration
  • Legislation requirements regarding upkeep of logbook and entries to be made
  • 7.0 Monitor and control Compliance with legislative requirements
  • 7.1 Measures to ensure safety of life at sea and protection of the marine environment
  • 7.2 Knowledge of international maritime law in international agreements and conventions
  • 7.3 Regard shall be paid especially to the following subjects
  • 7.3.1 Certificates and documents to be carried onboard as required by international conventions, how to obtain and their validity period
  • 7.3.2 Responsibilities under requirements of the International Convention on Load Lines
  • 7.3.3 Responsibilities under the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
  • 7.3.4 Responsibilities under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
  • 7.3.5 Knowledge of national legislation for implementing international agreements and conventions
  • 7.3.6 Chief Engineer's role in Tanker Vetting and SIRE Inspections
  • TMSA Procedures and Bulk Carrier Structural Inspections (RIGHTSHIP Programme)
  • Bulk Carrier Structural Inspection
  • Marine environment awareness Model course
  • 7.3.7 Ship inspections for Charter Party requirements
  • 8.0 Ship security system
  • 8.1 Piracy threat and anti piracy measures
  • 8.2 Current Industry best management practices (from ICS)
  • 8.3 IMB, PRC, UKMTO, MSCHOA and BMP as per MSC Circulars
  • 8.4 Guidelines Provided by Indian Authorities
  • 9.0 World Health Organisation and International Labour Organisation
  • 9.1 International Health Regulation 2005 and Ship Sanitation Control Certificate and Exemption Certificate
  • 9.2 Maritime declaration of health
  • 9.3 WHO's Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality
  • 9.4 Maritime Labor Convention 2006
  • Working hours
  • Condition of employment
  • Food, Accommodation and Recreation
  • Health protection
  • Complaints and Enforcement
  • Flag state responsibilities
  • Port State Responsibilities
  • Labor-Supplying responsibilities
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Compliance and enforcement of the Convention
  • Implementation of MLC 2006 – Chief Engineer’s responsibilities
  • 10.0 Ship surveys and inspections for port state control flag state control Various MOUs and their salient features.
  • Flag State Control
  • Define the Duties of a Flag State
  • Explain the role of the Flag State
  • Flag State responsibilities as defined by the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and The International Shipping Federation (ISF)
  • Port State Control
  • Understanding Port State Control
  • Port State Control (PSC)
  • Regional Memoranda Of Understanding
  • Targeting
  • PSC Inspections
  • Priority Inspection
  • Expanded Inspection
  • Initial Inspection
  • Clear Grounds
  • In-depth Inspection
  • Security Inspection
  • Detailed Inspections by PSC
  • Machinery Spaces
  • Life-Saving Appliances (LSA) Fire Safety and Others
  • Guidelines for Discharge Requirements under Annexes I and II which may be Examined for Compliance by the PSCO
  • Guidelines for Control of Operational Requirements
  • Control under the provisions of MARPOL and STCW
  • Guidelines for Port State Control Related to the ISM Code
  • Action Taken Codes used by the PSCO subsequent to an Inspection and Voyage Permission
  • Contravention and Detention
  • Guidelines for Detention of Ship
  • BanningDetention Orders and Appeal
  • Port State Inspection- Precautions Preventive measures by Ship Staff
  • Preparing for Inspections
  • General Checklist
  • Reduce the risk of detention--Classification Recommendation, ISM SECA related deficiencies
  • Detainable Deficiency
  • Continuous survey of machinery and other methods of machinery surveys
  • Continuous survey of hull and other methods of hull surveys
  • Different surveys
  • Overview of Surveys
  • Initial Survey
  • Annual Survey
  • Intermediate survey
  • Periodic Survey
  • Renewal Survey
  • Harmonized System of Ship Survey and Certification
  • More on Surveys and Summary
  • List of certificates required on board ship relating to harmonized system of survey and certification
  • CE-Survey and Inspection
  • Some Practical Issues
  • Enhanced special survey programs(ESP)
  • Ship Operations and Commercial Legal Aspects
  • Charter party, and role of Chief Engineer in compliance of charter
  • Bill of Lading
  • More on Chartering and Charter party
  • General Principles of Marine Insurance
  • Marine Insurance -Hull and Machinery Cargo
  • Institute Time Clauses -Overview
  • Warranties in Marine Insurance
  • Hague and Visby on Cargo
  • York-Antwerp Rules
  • Overview of GA
  • Rights of contribute in GA
  • Constructive Total Loss, Third Party and Contractual liabilities
  • P and I Clubs, Principles of Protection and Indemnity Insurance
  • RISKS COVERED by P & I Clubs
  • Marine Pollution Covers
  • Marine Salvage and the law
  • Marine salvage process and Classification of salvage
  • International Convention on Salvage 1989 and Lloyd's Standard Form of Salvage (LOF 2000)
  • SCOPIC 'Special Compensation P & I Club' Clause
  • Your Role as CEO in Insurance
  • A brief on Handling Claims
  • A brief on Pollution Covers and Certification
  • Emergency Preparedness Response
  • Regulatory Requirements
  • Evaluating Emergency Services
  • Study of emergency and damage control plans
  • Ship Response Plan
  • Company Response Plan
  • Planning Emergency Response
  • An accident
  • Accident Reporting
  • Emergency Preparendess Resources
  • Human Resource Management Aspects
  • 17.0 Human Relations and Modern Management Principles
  • 17.1 Organizational Behaviour
  • Understanding the Individual
  • Human nature What We Do
  • Individual Output and Needs
  • Understanding Yourself
  • Understand how Perceived Behavior of Organization and how Individual is Influenced
  • Perceived Behavior of the Organization by the Customers
  • Perceived behavior of the Organization by the Employees
  • Methods by which the behavior of members of organization are constrained and influenced
  • Constraining and Influencing Behavior
  • Nature of Information and Communication in Relation to Organization and their Environment
  • Organizational Communication
  • Shipping Company Communications
  • Onboard Communications
  • Types and Nature of Conflicts in Organizations
  • Understanding the Conflict Theories
  • Conflict Behavior, Conflict Management, and Conflict Resolution
  • At Sea Conflict, Stress and Harassment
  • Stress and Fatigue Management
  • How to Cope with Stress
  • Nurture Yourself
  • Prioritize and Organize
  • Be practical
  • Fatigue Management
  • Understanding Fatigue
  • Incidents on Board
  • Causes of Fatigue
  • Effects of Fatigue
  • How can you Protect Yourself from the Onset of Fatigue
  • What Rules and Regulations are in Place to Prevent and Deal with Fatigue
  • Case Study - Hours of Rest
  • Eliminating Shipboard Bullying and Harassment
  • Causes and Sources of Conflict
  • Conflict Management Strategies
  • Learning to Resolve Conflict
  • Influence of Human Factors in Systems
  • Human factors and Ergonomics
  • Human Factors Liable to Affect the Operation of Ships
  • Awareness and Appreciation of Cross and Multi Cultural Aspects of man Management on Board
  • Culture, Social interaction and Stereotypes
  • Cultural Awareness (CA)
  • Conceptual model of Cultural Awareness
  • Recommended Measures
  • Managing the Crew Onboard
  • 17.2 Work Load Management
  • Planning and coordination
  • Allocation of Resources
  • Time and Resource Constraints
  • Prioritization
  • 17.3 Effective resource management
  • Allocation of Resources (2)
  • Effective communication onboard and ashore
  • Communication is Understanding
  • Types of Communication
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Importance of Feedback
  • Is Feedback Necessary
  • Formal and Informal Feedback
  • External and internal communication on board
  • Case Study Informal Feedback
  • Decisions reflect consideration of team experience
  • Assertiveness and leadership, including motivation
  • Assertiveness
  • Assertiveness vs Aggressiveness
  • Body language
  • Three parts of effective assertive communication
  • Dealing with problems assertively
  • Being assertive amidst a problem
  • Being assertive amidst a grief
  • Being assertive amidst a conflict
  • Motivation
  • Ways of Motivation
  • Advantages of Motivation
  • Leadership
  • Characteristics of a Leader
  • Leadership Skills
  • Acquiring Leadership Skills
  • 17.4 Obtaining and maintaining situation awareness
  • Situational Awareness
  • Process of Developing Situational Awareness
  • Barriers to Situational Awareness
  • Loss of Situation Awareness
  • Human Error and SHELL model
  • SHELL Model for HRM
  • Errors and Error Chains
  • Domino Theory
  • The Reason's model
  • Multiple cause theory
  • What are the causes of accidents
  • Recovering and Getting Back the Situational Awareness
  • Conclusion
  • Case Study Human Element
  • 17.5 Decision-making techniques
  • Decision Making Process
  • Story of John
  • Process of Decision Making
  • Four Types of Decision Makers
  • Situation and Risk Assessment
  • Risk Management
  • IMO and Regulatory Requirements
  • FSA - Risk management Steps
  • Hazards Identification
  • ALARP and the Risk Management Process
  • Techniques for risk assessment and analysis
  • Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)
  • Event Tree Analysis (ETA)
  • Integration of FTA and ETA The Bow Tie Model
  • Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
  • Risk Assessment for the Engineroom
  • Risk-Based Decision-Making Process
  • Decision Making and Self-Control
  • Risk Management (2)
  • Managing Risk
  • Regulatory Requirements (2)
  • Assessing Risk
  • Risk Assessment Methods
  • Risk Assessment for the Engineroom (2)
  • Risk assessment prior commencement of work.
  • Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control
  • ALARP - As Low As Reasonably Practicable
  • Examples of Risk Assessment
  • Situation and workplace environment
  • Evaluate the situation
  • Understanding Emergencies
  • Planning Emergency Response (2)
  • Identify and consider generated options
  • Broadening the option by tapping into others’ creativity
  • story of MV HAPPY CARRIER
  • Selecting course of action
  • PDCA cycle the Happy Carrier story continues
  • Evaluation of outcome effectiveness
  • Exercise on Outcome Effectiveness and Correction
  • Structured Decision making framework
  • 17.6 Prevention of Human Error
  • Reasons for Human Error
  • Corrective Actions
  • Error Pyramid and HFACS
  • 17.7 Development, implementation, and oversight of standard operating procedures
  • Implementation and oversight of SOP
  • ISMSOP Procedures
  • Training Manual and Training Aids
  • Instructions for onboard maintenance
  • Muster List and Emergency Instructions
  • 17.8 Crisis Management onboard ships
  • Crisis Management and Emergency Response
  • Crisis management training
  • Human behaviour in crisis
  • Processing Information during Crisis
  • Why do you react the way you do
  • Communication in crisis
  • Crisis and crew response in passenger ships
  • Leadership in crisis in a passenger ship
  • 4 behaviors for leaders to manage a crisis
  • 17.9 Importance of emergency drills
  • 17.9.1 Emergency drills and exercises
  • 17.9.2 Examining Value of training and drills
  • 17.9.3 Learning from Drills
  • 17.9.4 Substandard Drills
  • 18.0 Leadership and managerial skills
  • 18.1 Leadership onboard
  • Motivating Teams
  • Motivation for performance
  • Teamwork and leadership
  • Groups and Teams
  • Team Effectiveness and Delegation
  • Assertive leadership
  • Strategies for assertiveness
  • Assertiveness vs Aggressiveness (2)
  • Body language (2)
  • Three parts of assertive communication
  • Personality Development
  • Psychoanalysis and Trait Theory
  • Personality Tests and Types
  • Study of the Personality development and its purposes
  • 19.0 Training of trainers- Chief Engineer as trainer for engine room staff
  • 19.1 Regulatory Requirements
  • 19.2 Training organization for seafarers
  • 19.2.1 Familiarization Training
  • 19.3 Discipline on board and counselling
  • 19.4 Communication process
  • 19.5 House keeping, safety and hygiene
  • 19.5.1 Crew Wellness
  • Coping up with stress
  • Fatigue and Management
  • 19.6 Need analysis and development
  • 19.7 Motivation
  • 19.8 Mentoring
  • 19.9 Role of a Chief Engineer for onboard training
  • 20.0 Performance Appraisal
  • 20.1 Need for appraisal and its challenges
  • 20.2 Behavioral competency and measurement
  • 20.3 Appraisal Methodology- an example
  • 20.4 Appraisal of shipboard staff
  • 21.0 Best Practices in Crewing
  • Technical Management Aspects
  • Inventory management
  • Fundamentals of Inventories
  • More on Inventories
  • Spares, stores - quantity of inventory, 'Lead Time' safety stock when to re-order spares or stores, Explain formula ROP = SSQ + (QUD x ALD
  • Calculating bunker requirements and maintaining the level Inventory of Fuel oil
  • Inventory of lubricating oils, including low BN cylinder oil for low sulfur fuel
  • Management of Quality of the above by Treatment of Fuels and Lubricants
  • Storage and Handling
  • Centrifuging and preparation
  • Case studies
  • Management Information Systems (MIS)
  • Computer System resources
  • Importance of Information Systems
  • Approaches to Information Systems
  • Role of Information Systems
  • Information System in Decision Making
  • Decision Support system and expert system
  • Types of decision support systems
  • Expert Systems
  • Introduction to Cyber Security
  • Cyber Security Threats
  • Cyber Security Risks
  • Intro to Cyber Security for the Shipping Industry
  • Records-Interpretation of Data from Monitoring Equipment
  • Record making, keeping and its interpretation for ER operation maintenance
  • Chief Engineer's Standing Orders
  • Entries in Oil Record Book(ORB)
  • Other records as per MARPOL requirements
  • Economizing of fuel consumption
  • Diesel Engine Efficiencies and Power Ratings
  • Power in Diesel Engines a theoretical overview
  • Compression Ratios of Diesel Engines
  • Engine Dimensions
  • Mean Piston Speed
  • Engine Weight
  • Selection of the working cycle
  • Propulsive characteristics of DES including speed, output and fuel consumption
  • Performance Evaluation
  • Trials of Diesel Propelling Machinery
  • Other Tests
  • Main propulsion performance and data
  • Output measurement
  • Presentation of Test result
  • Compatibility of Engine Output when coupled with Propeller
  • Bunker management and Current version of ISO 8217 fuel standards
  • Fuels and Combustion
  • Categories and Specifications
  • Combustion
  • Injection pressure and viscosity
  • ISO 8217 fuel standards
  • Use of low sulfur fuel
  • Potential use of Bio fuels in Shipping
  • Alternate Fuels
  • Duel Fuel Engine with LNG and Change over procedures
  • ALCAP?Alfa Laval Purifier
  • Engine Load Diagrams
  • Budgeting
  • Cost Value Analysis
  • Fixed, Variable and Mixed Costs
  • Voyage expenses
  • Drydock and repair cost analysis
  • Down time realization
  • More on Budget
  • Importance of a Budget
  • Types of Budget
  • Budgetary Control
  • Budget Preparation
  • Budget Monitoring
  • Budget Variance
  • Superintendent's Responsibility
  • Resources BUDGETING
  • Latest Technical Developments
  • Practical electricity and electronics
  • Design Features of High-Voltage Installations
  • Generation and Distribution of High Voltage on Ships
  • Basics
  • High Voltage(HV) Applications
  • Electric Propulsion System
  • General
  • System Overview
  • Synchro-converters
  • Cyclo-conveners
  • Functional, Operational and Safety Requirements for a Marine High Voltage System
  • High-voltage Installations
  • Preliminary Operations Manual
  • Installation and Arrangements of HV equipment
  • Safety Requirements of High Voltage System
  • Safety requirements while working on the high voltage systems
  • Assigning Qualified Personnel to Carry out Maintenance and Repair of High-Voltage Switchgear of Various Types
  • High Voltage System Advantages
  • Advantages of an Insulated System
  • High Voltage Circuit Breakers
  • Circuit Breaker Control Circuits
  • Working of Circuit Breaker
  • Closing Control Scheme of Circuit Breaker
  • Troubleshooting of Closing Scheme of CB
  • Circuit Breaker Tripping Scheme
  • Trip Circuit Supervision(CB-ON)
  • Trip Circuit Supervision(CB-OFF)
  • SF6 Circuit Breaker
  • Properties of SF6 gas and Working of SF6 breakers
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Vacuum Circuit Breaker
  • Vacuum Circuit Breaker(VCB) Arrangement per Phase and Arc Quenching
  • Vaccum Circuit Breaker Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Sulfur Hexafluoride (text{SF}_6) and vacuum circuit breakers
  • SF_6 and vacuum circuit breakers for high voltage application
  • Arc sustaining and quenching methods
  • High Voltage Cable
  • Cable Material and Installation
  • Maintenance of Cables
  • High Voltage Fuses
  • Remedial Action Necessary during Faults in a High-Voltage System
  • Switching Strategy for Isolating Components of a High Voltage System
  • Selection of Suitable Apparatus for Isolation and Testing of High Voltage Equipment
  • Switching and Isolation Procedure on a Marine High-voltage System with Safety Documentation
  • Performance of Insulation Resistance and Polarization Index on High-Voltage Equipment
  • Socket and Plug
  • Electrical Propulsion
  • Concept of Electrical Propulsion
  • Advantages and disadvantages of electrical propulsion system
  • Principles of Electrical Propulsion Systems
  • COGES-Co generation system - propulsion system
  • Comparison with Diesel Electric
  • Case Study
  • Electric Drive (Integrated Power System)
  • Synchronous motor for electrical propulsion
  • Speed control by varying the frequency (Pulse Width Modulation)
  • Azipod propulsion systems-Explanation with sketches
  • Azipod Propulsion - Azimuthing Electric Propulsion Drive
  • Diesel - Electric Propulsion
  • Next - Generation Azipod Propulsion System
  • Azimuth Propellers
  • Advantages, Disadvantages of AZIPODs and Design Consequences
  • Maneuvering Characteristics of AZIPODs Equipped Vessels
  • Problems with the Operation and Operational Limitations
  • Training Requirements
  • Discussions on maintenance requirement for such arrangement
  • Typical Defects Likely to Happen in Electrical Devices and their Causes
  • Megger
  • Periodicity of the maintenance procedures
  • Future of electrical ship propulsion system
  • Electric propulsion systems with use of electromagnetic propulsion
  • Linear Propulsion
  • Fuel Cell Propulsion System
  • Emerging Battery Technologies
  • Risks and Loss Prevention
  • Camshaft-less main engines and other diesel engine developments
  • Electronic Governor
  • Electronically Controlled Intelligent Engine
  • Common rail system for fuel injection
  • Control system for the camshaft less engines
  • Controlling Emissions
  • Primary control
  • Secondary control
  • Wet Scrubbers
  • Overview
  • Water Emulsification ? NOx reduction 20-50%
  • Direct Water Injection (DWI)
  • Other interesting facts
  • New developments in tribology and its practices
  • Basics of Lubrication
  • Lubricants, types of Lubricants and Lubrication
  • Challenges in Lubrication of diesel engine
  • Friction, Wear and Lubrication in Marine Equipment
  • Friction, Wear and Lubrication in Rolling Bearings
  • Friction, Wear and Lubrication in Journal Bearings
  • Friction, Wear and Lubrication in Gears
  • Development in Cylinder Lubricating System
  • Alpha cylindrical lubricator system explained
  • Alpha Adaptive Cylinder Oil Control
  • Propulsion system developments - discussion and explanation about the developments like contra rotating propellers, wake equalizing ducts, cavity system of propulsion, waterjet propulsion, el
  • Contra Rotating Propellers (CRP)
  • Theory of Contra Rotating Propellers (CRP)
  • CRP Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Reduction in Fuel Consumption by using CRP
  • Appendages and Methods to improve efficiency
  • Wake Equalizing Ducts
  • Cavity System of Propulsion
  • Water Jet Propulsion
  • PTOPTI System in Diesel Electric Propulsion
  • Overview (2)
  • Renewable Energy to Power Ships
  • Solar and Wind Powered Ships
  • Using Renewable Energy for Greener Shipping
  • Marine Solar Power System
  • Harnessing Wind and Solar Power Concept
  • Fuel Cell Propulsion
  • Fuel cell systems for ships
  • Types of Fuel cell
  • Hydrogen and Fuel Cell
  • References (2)
  • Acknowledgement

Regulatory Aspects

Regulatory Aspects

Learning objectives: After reading this topic, you will be able to understand 

Details about most of the regulatory aspects governing the operations of the ship

Introduction : This section provides details as below for ;

1. International Treaties, Conventions, Protocols, Rules, legislations and regulations and Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS)

2. Quality and Safety Management

3. Classification Societies and their functions

4. Ship Stability

5.Casualty Investigation

6.Official log books and procedures relating to the entries

7.Monitor and Control Compliance with legislative requirements

8.Ship Security System

9. World Health Organization and International Labour Organization

10.Ship Surveys and Inspections