
Marine ElectroTechnology

Course Topics

  • Basic Electricity
  • Electrical Fundamentals
  • Basic Concepts of Electricity
  • Planetory Atom
  • Conductor, Insulator and Semiconductor
  • Voltage, Current, Power, Energy and Ideal Sources
  • Circuit Parameters
  • Resistance
  • Resistance and Resistivity of a Conductor
  • Construction of Resistors and their Stability
  • Resistors Colour Code, Values and Tolerances
  • Series and Parallel Circuits
  • Grouping of resistors in Series and Parallel Resistive Circuits
  • Inductance
  • Basic Inductance Concepts
  • Energy Stored in a Inductor
  • Types of Inductors
  • Self and Mutual Inductance
  • Time Constant of RL Circuit
  • Capacitance
  • Colour Coding of a Capacitor
  • Independent and Dependent Sources
  • DC Power Supply
  • DC Sources in Series
  • DC Sources in Parallel
  • Voltage and Current Division
  • Basic Laws
  • Ohm's Law
  • Kirchoff's Current Law
  • Kirchoff's Voltage Law
  • Wheatstone Network Bridge
  • Applications to Steering Gears, Resistance Pyrometers and Strain Gauges
  • Slide Wire bridge
  • Applied Electricity
  • Alternating Current Theory
  • AC Voltages and Currents
  • Waveform Definition
  • Average Value
  • RMS Value
  • Concept of Phasors and j Operator
  • AC Circuits with single parameter
  • AC Circuits with Resistor
  • AC Circuits with Inductor
  • AC Circuits with Capacitor and Other Components
  • AC Circuits with RLC Combination
  • RL Series Circuit
  • RC and RLC Series Circuit
  • RL Parallel Circuits
  • RC Parallel Circuit and RLC Combination
  • Resonance
  • Time Constant of RL Circuit
  • Typical BH and µB Circuit
  • Simple Continuous Periodic Waves
  • Frequency
  • Amplitude Instantaneous
  • Maximum R.M.S. Value
  • Average Value (2)
  • Form Factor
  • Phasor Representation and Phase Difference of A.C. Quantities
  • Power in Single Phase A.C. Circuit
  • Network Elements
  • Active and Passive
  • Bilateral and Unilateral
  • Linear and Non-Linear Networks
  • Lumped and Distributed Networks
  • Analysis cf Circuits
  • Source transformation
  • Superposition Theorem
  • Mesh Analysis
  • Node Analysis
  • Maximum Power transfer theorem
  • Basic Concepts of Magnetism
  • Lines of magnetic flux and properties
  • Types of magnets
  • Force acting on a current carrying conductor
  • Torque
  • Magnetic Circuits
  • Magnetic flux and magnetic flux density
  • Magnetic permeability (μ)
  • Hysterisis
  • Magnetic shielding
  • Electromagnetic induction
  • Principles of Electromagnetic Induction
  • Laws of Electromagnetic Induction
  • Induced EMF
  • Methods of Inducing EMF
  • Dirction of induced EMF
  • Introduction and Learning Objectives
  • Magnetism and Magnetic Flux
  • Electromagnetic Induction and Faraday's Law
  • Magnitude of Induced EMF
  • Electrical machines
  • D.C. Generators
  • Principle of D.C. Generators
  • Construction of D.C. Generators
  • Armature Winding
  • D.C. Series, Shunt and Compound Wound Generators
  • Critical Resistance for Shunt Generators
  • Voltage Build-Up in D.C. Generators
  • Self Excitation
  • E.M.F and Load Voltage Equations
  • Load Characteristics and Methods of Voltage Control
  • Characteristics of DC Generator
  • Load Performance Test
  • Performance Test of D.C. Generator
  • Rewinding of the Field Coil
  • Rewinding of the Armature
  • D.C. Motors
  • Principle of Operation of D.C. Motor
  • D.C. Series, Shunt and Compound Wound Motors
  • Terminal Identification of a D.C Compound Motor
  • Reversing of D.C Motor
  • Need for and Types of Starter
  • Protection using 2 Point Starter
  • 3 Point Starter
  • Induction Motors
  • Principle and Construction of Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors
  • Construction of Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors
  • 1-Phase Induction Motor
  • Construction and Working of an Induction Motor
  • Principle of Operation
  • Equivalent Circuit
  • Identification of Winding Terminals
  • Starting Methods
  • Split Phase Starting Method
  • Shaded-Pole Starting Method
  • Capacitor Start Induction Motor
  • Reversing the Direction of Rotation of Capacitor IM
  • Tests on Induction Motors
  • Polarity Test by Search Coil Method
  • Unbalanced Current Test Method
  • Determination of Slip for 3-ph Squirrel Cage Induction Motor
  • Brake Test for 3-ph Induction Motor
  • No-Load and Blocked Rotor Test
  • Transformers
  • Principle and Construction
  • Principle and Theory of Operation
  • EMF Equation
  • Transformer on No-Load
  • Equivalent Circuit (2)
  • Effect of Voltage, Freq and Maintenance
  • Terminal Identification of a 1-phase Transformer
  • Consequences of Wrong Parallel Connection of Transformers
  • Ideal and Centre-Tapped Transformer
  • Estimation of Voltage Regulation and Efficiency
  • Determination of Losses in a Single Phase Transformer
  • Scott Connection
  • Maintenance of Transformers
  • Periodical Maintenance
  • Recondition the Silica in Transformer's Breather
  • Recondition the Silica in Transformer's Breather
  • Rewinding of Small Transformer
  • Transformer Oil Test with Oil Testing Kit
  • EMF Equation (2)
  • General Measuring Instruments
  • Resistance Measurement
  • Voltage Drop Method
  • Comparison Method
  • Ohmmeter Method
  • Basic Types of Instruments
  • Moving Iron Instruments
  • Moving Coil Instruments
  • Induction Instruments
  • Uses of shunts and series resistances to increase the range
  • Range Extension of Ammeter
  • Range Extension of Voltmeter
  • Instrument Transformers
  • Principle of Transformer
  • Construction and Working principle of current transformer
  • Measurement of Current using CT
  • Measurement of Voltage using PT
  • Measurement of Energy
  • Measurement of Energy in Single Phase Circuits
  • Measurement of 3-Phase Energy
  • Measurement of Three Phase Energy using CT and PT
  • Measurement of Power
  • Power in Single Phase using Voltmeter and Ammeter
  • Three Phase Power Measurement
  • Power Measurement Using CT and PT
  • Measurement of Power Factor
  • Repairing Instruments
  • Repairing PMMC Meter
  • Repairing Moving Iron Instruments
  • Dynamometer Type Instruments
  • Dynamo Watt-Meter
  • Frequency Meter
  • Thermocouple type Ammeter, Voltmeters and Wattmeter
  • Electrical Testing instruments
  • Phase-Sequence Indicator
  • Megger
  • Meg Ohmmeter
  • Multimeter
  • Measurement Using Multimeter
  • Tong Tester
  • Electrical protection
  • Protective Relay
  • Common Faults on Generators, Motors and System
  • Instrument Transformers (2)
  • Overload Protection of Motor and Generator
  • Protective Fuses
  • Single Phasing Protection
  • Negative Sequence Currents
  • Reverse Power Relay
  • Protection relay co-ordination
  • Differential Relay
  • Electronic relays
  • Alternator Loss of excitation relay
  • Earth Fault Protection
  • Generator Over Voltage Protection
  • Under Voltage Protection
  • Under Voltage Protection (2)
  • Preferential Tripping
  • Shunt Tripping Devices
  • Testing and Calibration of Protection Devices
  • Auxiliary Relays
  • Types of Auxiliary Relays
  • Electromagnetic Relay
  • Monitoring Relays
  • Timer Relay
  • Lockout Relay
  • Attracted Armature Relays
  • Power Contactor and Relay Chatter
  • Relay Reset and Contact Multiplication
  • Function and Performance tests
  • Testing and Calibration
  • Monitoring Systems
  • Automatic Control Devices
  • Protective Device
  • Switch Gear
  • Circuit Breaker and Control Circuits
  • Working of Circuit Breaker
  • Closing Control Scheme of Circuit Breaker
  • Troubleshooting of Closing Scheme of CB
  • Circuit Breaker Tripping Scheme
  • Trip Circuit Supervision(CB-ON)
  • Trip Circuit Supervision(CB-OFF)
  • SF6 Circuit Breaker
  • Properties of SF6 gas and Working of SF6 breakers
  • SF6 Breaker Arrangement per Phase
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Vacuum Circuit Breaker
  • Air Circuit Breaker
  • Draw Out Air Circuit Breakers
  • Testing of Circuit Breaker
  • Group Starter Boards
  • Functioning of a Fuse
  • Arc Fault Current Interrupts
  • Switches
  • Lamp caps
  • Automatic Control Engineering and Safety Devices
  • Introduction
  • Simple theory of all Control Systems
  • Typical Control System in Ship
  • Purpose of Control System
  • Control System Onboard
  • Bridge Control System in Ship
  • Engine Room Control System in Ship
  • Cargo Room Control System in Ship
  • control system operation
  • Watch-keeper Role
  • Basic Procedures
  • Electic control Equipment
  • Control Panel
  • Rotary Selector Switch
  • Open and Closed Control Loops
  • Types
  • Simple theory of all Control Systems (2)
  • Resistance Temperature Devices
  • Thermocouples
  • Flow, Pressure and Level Measurement
  • Flow measurement
  • Pressure Measurement
  • Level Measurement
  • Ambient Temperature Compensation
  • Viscosity and Torque Measurement
  • Viscosity Measurement
  • Torque Measurement
  • other season and transducers
  • Speed
  • Variable Reluctance Tachogenerator
  • Stroboscopic Tachometer
  • Permanent Magnet Transducer
  • Centrifugal Type Tachometer
  • Chronometric Type Tachometer
  • Force
  • Acceleration
  • Vibration
  • Humidity
  • Capacitive Hygrometer
  • Dry and Wet Bulb Hygrometer
  • Dew Cell Hygrometer
  • Dunmore Cell and Pope Cell
  • Moisture
  • Optical Sensors
  • Optoelectronic Sensor
  • Photo Conductive Cell
  • Photoemissive Cells
  • Photo Diode
  • Optical Fibers
  • Fiber Optic Sensors and Switches
  • Dissolved Oxygen Sensor
  • Smart Sensor
  • Ultrasonic Sensors
  • Permanent and Temporary mounting of Transducer
  • Transducer Installation
  • Force Balance Transmitters
  • OilWater Interface and Oil in Water Monitoring
  • Pneumatic FlapperNozzle System
  • Pneumatic Control
  • Pneumatic 20 – 100 kPa, Analogue 4 to 20 mA Signals
  • Pneumatic Pilot Relays
  • Pneumatic Control (2)
  • Working and applications of Operational Amplifier
  • Electrical Supply
  • Main Switchboard
  • Shaft Generators
  • Shore Supply and Earthing
  • Controllers and Basic Control Theory
  • Propostional controler
  • Proportional Control System
  • Controller
  • Recovery After a Disturbance
  • integral controler
  • Integral Action
  • Integral Action Time
  • Expressing Integral Action
  • Integral Control
  • Two Two Term Controller (P-I Controller)
  • Derivative controler
  • Derivative Action
  • Derivative Action Time
  • Derivative Control
  • Three Term Controller (P+I+D Controller)
  • Basics and tuning of PID control
  • V-I Converter
  • I-V Converter
  • P-I Converter
  • I-P Converter
  • Disturbances and Time Delays and Means to Reduce Them
  • Two Step, Proportional, Integral, and Derivative Control Actions
  • Final Control Elements
  • Diaphragm Operated Control Valves
  • Flowlift Characteristics of Control Valves
  • Control Valve Actuators and Positioners
  • Wax Element Valves
  • Electrically Operated Valves
  • Control Loop Analysis
  • Split Range & case cadeControl
  • Level Control Systems
  • Pressure Control Systems
  • Split Range and Cascade Control
  • Split Range Control (2)
  • Cascade Control
  • Single, Two and Three Element Control
  • Governors
  • Governor
  • Governor Terms, Concepts and Operation
  • Hydraulic and Digital Governors
  • Mechanical Governor
  • Mechanical Hydraulic Governor
  • Electronic Governor
  • Governing Systems
  • Power Sharing
  • Design Features and System Configuration of Automatic Control Equipment and Safety Devices
  • General Requirements
  • Electrical Equipment Designed for Use in Ships
  • Meaning of Flame Retardant and Flame Retardant Materials
  • Angles of Heel and Trim
  • Effect of Temperature Changes on Electromagnetic Devices and Generator Voltage
  • Common Maximum Temperatures of Air and Sea Water Used for Design Purposes
  • Placement of Axis of a Rotating Machine
  • Periodical Check on the Security of all Electrical Connections
  • Requirements Regarding the Provision of Electrical Power and Lighting for Normal Operation and for an Emergency
  • Systems of A.C. and D.C
  • Ships Lighting
  • Emergency Generator
  • Emergency Battery Supply
  • Emergency AC Supply
  • Emergency lighting
  • Main Engine
  • Control Theory
  • Changing Set Points
  • Basic Control System Design
  • Transfer Functions
  • First Order and Second Order Systems
  • Control System Stability
  • Natural Frequency and Control Systems
  • Time Lag and Time Constant
  • System Response
  • Tuning
  • System response (2)
  • Control Loop Tuning
  • Ziegler-Nichols Tuning Method
  • Cohen-Coon Tuning Method
  • Signal Transmission Systems
  • Digital Communication Bus Transmission Systems
  • Fibre Optic Signal Transmission systems
  • Final Control Elements
  • Control Valve Trim
  • Selecting Control Valves and Their Actuators
  • Valve Sizing
  • Electronic PID Controllers
  • Single Loop Digital Controllers
  • Basics and Tuning of PID Control
  • Monitoring and Control Systems
  • Boiler Water Level Control
  • Advanced Boiler Combustion Control
  • Diesel Engine Cooling Control
  • Main Engine Control for FP and CP Propellers
  • Alarm and Monitoring Systems
  • PLC and SCADA
  • Introduction to PLC
  • PLC history
  • Constituent parts of the PLC and Size
  • Principles of operation
  • Response time of PLC
  • PLC applications
  • PLC Advantages
  • General Requirements of Automatic Control Equipment and Safety Devices
  • Monitoring and Safety Systems
  • Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
  • Power Supply
  • System Independence and Local Control
  • Remote Control
  • Diesel Propulsion
  • Electronic, Electro-Pneumatic, Electro-Hydraulic or Pneumatic Controls
  • Electro-Pneumatic Controller
  • Types
  • Pneumatic Control
  • Electronic control
  • Position Control
  • Speed Control
  • Electro-Hydraulic Controls
  • Exam Guide
  • Malfunctions – Alarm, Engine Slow Down, Engine Stop
  • UMS Systems
  • UMS Operations
  • UMS operation
  • Bridge Control
  • Testing Regime for UMS
  • Software Version Control
  • Construction and Use of Computer Network on Ships for Bridge-Based Applications
  • Construction and Use of Computer Network on ships for Engine Room-Based and Commercial Applications
  • Generator and Distribution System
  • Instrumentation and Safety in Generator and Distribution System
  • Auxiliary Diesel Generator Alarm and Shut Down
  • Automatic Starting of Propulsion Auxiliaries
  • Steam Boiler
  • Alarms and Display for Failures
  • Feedwater High Salinity, High Water Level, Boiler Pressure High and Low and Super Heater Outlet
  • Temperature High, Fuel Pump Low Outlet Pressure, Heavy Fuel Temperature High and Low (or High and Low Viscosity)
  • Uptake High Temperature, Control System Power Failure and Atomization Steam Air Pressure Low
  • Alarms, Display and Automatic Shutdown of Boiler for Failures
  • Low Water Level and Supply Air pressure Failure
  • Ignition or Flame Failure
  • Design Features and System Configuration of Operational Control Equipment for Electrical Motors
  • Three Phase A.C. Motors
  • Construction and Principle of Operation of 3-Phase Induction Motors
  • Design Features of Star and Delta Motors
  • Starting Methods of 3-Phase Induction Motor
  • Speed Controlling and Braking Methods of 3-Phase Induction Motor
  • Load-torque Characteristics of A.C. Motors
  • Protection of A.C. Motors
  • Single Phasing Protection
  • Thermistor Protection
  • Bimetal Protection
  • Electromagnetic Protection
  • Mechanical Protection
  • Rotor frequency
  • Rotor EMF and Current
  • Relationship between Rotor IR loss and Rotor slip
  • Three Phase Synchronous Motors
  • Synchronous Motors
  • Load Characteristics of Synchronous Motor
  • Power Factor
  • Power Factor Improvement using Synchronous Motor
  • Operation of infinite bus bars torqueangle characteristics
  • Hunting
  • Merits and limits of synchronous motor over others
  • Torque Equation
  • V-Curves
  • Introduction and Learning Objectives
  • Repulsion Type Motor
  • AC Series Motor
  • Universal Motor
  • Effect of Varying Frequency and Voltage of A.C. Motors
  • Speed, Temperature, Torque
  • Power Output and Starting Time, Current.
  • Motor control and protection
  • Speed Control of D.C. Motors
  • Armature Control Method
  • Field Control Method
  • Ward-Leonard Control
  • Speed Control of DC Series Motor
  • Speed Control of A.C. Motors
  • Protection of A.C. Motors (2)
  • Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) Motor Speed Control
  • IGBT
  • Advantages of IGBT in Varying Motor Speed Control
  • Application of Thyristors in Motor Speed Control
  • Three Phase Generators
  • Principle and Construction of Alternators
  • Air Gaps in Alternators
  • Failure of Exciter Voltage to Build Up
  • Distribution and Pitch factor
  • Rotating Magnetic field
  • Armature reaction
  • EMF and MMF Methods
  • Voltage Build up in Alternator
  • Salient and Cylindrical Rotor Types
  • Shaft Generators
  • Excitation Methods
  • Automatic Voltage Regulation
  • Carbon pile regulator
  • Vibrating contact and static automatic regulator
  • Fixed speed alternators
  • Synchronization and Parallel Operation
  • Phase Sequence in A.C. System
  • Conditions to be Satisfied for Synchronizing
  • Synchroscope
  • Lamp Methods to Check Synchronism
  • Synchronising of Alternators
  • Typical Operational procedures of AC supply in Ship
  • Power Factor (2)
  • Operation of infinite bus bars torqueangle characteristics (2)
  • Hunting (2)
  • Open and Short Circuit tests of an Alternator
  • Load Performance Test on 3 Phase Alternator
  • Alternators not Accepting the Loads
  • Generator Trouble Shooting
  • Common Faults on Generators
  • Protective Relays for generators and motors
  • Reverse Power Relay
  • UV and Preferential Tripping Schemes
  • Three Phase Transformers
  • Construction Polarity
  • Configurations in Star and Delta Combinations
  • Open Delta Configuration
  • Specification of Coolants
  • Distribution
  • Ship distributing system
  • D.C. Wire Distribution System
  • Selection of AC and DC generators for use on ships
  • Merits and demerits
  • Cable Material and Installation
  • Testing Codes
  • Connection of Shore Supply
  • DBS Distribution
  • Electric Propulsion System
  • Layout of Ships Electrical System
  • Effect of voltage on lamp performance
  • MSB Distribution
  • Electrical Equipment for Tankers and Hazardous Areas and Safety Systems
  • Electrical Equipment
  • Hazardous Area Onboard
  • Safety Systems
  • Short Circuit Protection
  • Protective Devices
  • Fuses
  • Circuit Breakers
  • Earth Lamps
  • Protection Co-ordination and Distribution Configuration
  • Emergency Power
  • Automatic Starting Arrangements for the Emergency Generator
  • Emergency Power Requirements
  • Essential and Non Essential Circuits
  • Batteries
  • Electrolytic Action
  • Theory of Electrolytic Dissociation Applied to Common Solutions
  • Use of Electrolysis
  • Secondary Cells (acid or alkaline)
  • Construction and Principles
  • Maintenance and Charging
  • Watt-hour and Ampere-hour Efficiencies
  • Battery Performance
  • Battery Replacement
  • Troubleshooting of Battery Charger
  • Sealed Ni Cd batteries
  • Emerging Battery Technologies
  • Electronics, Power Electronics
  • Semiconductor Devices
  • Uni-junction Transistor
  • Simple Transistor Circuits
  • Transistor as an Amplifier
  • Class A amplifiers
  • Class B amplifiers
  • Class AB amplifiers
  • Transistor as a Switch
  • Transistor as an Oscillator
  • Bipolar Transistor and their operating characteristics
  • Data Sheets
  • Transistor Biasing and its Types
  • Biasing
  • Fixed bias
  • Potential Divider Bias
  • Field Effect Transistors
  • Thyristors Or SCR
  • GTOs, DIACs and TRIACs
  • Insulated gate Bipolar Transistor(IGBT)
  • Snubber Circuits
  • Commutation
  • IGBT Datasheet
  • Device Applications in Electronic Control
  • Surveillance and Recording Systems
  • Power Supplies
  • Rectification and Smoothing Circuits
  • Stabilization, Switching, Amplification
  • Pulse Shaping, Clipping and Clamping
  • Design Features of Cycloconverter
  • Cargo pump control using variable frequency drives
  • Rectifiers
  • Half Wave Rectifier
  • Full Wave Rectifier
  • Rectifier Analysis Filters
  • Regulated Power Supply
  • Regulated Power Supply using Zener diode and Transistors
  • Maintenance of RPS
  • IC Applications
  • Invertors and its application on board ship
  • Electronic Inverter
  • Ship Propulsion and Ballast
  • Cargo pump control using variable frequency drives (2)
  • Integrated Circuits
  • Ideal Operational Amplifier
  • Characteristics, Types, Mounting Methods, Markings and Advantages of IC
  • Practical Operational Amplifier, Circuit Configurations, CMRR
  • Instrumentation Amplifier
  • 4-20mA Circuit
  • IC Voltage Regulator
  • Multivibrators
  • IC tester
  • IC Applications and Common Circuits
  • Latches
  • S-R latch
  • Gated S-R latch
  • D latch
  • Flip flop
  • Delay (D) and Toggle (T) Flip flops & Other flip flop variations
  • Algorithmic state machine
  • Algorithmic state machine (2)
  • Designing synchronous sequential circuit using ASM charts
  • Fundamental mode sequential circuits
  • Assigning output to different states
  • Races and cycles
  • Shift registers
  • Serial-in to parallel-out
  • Serial-in to serial-out
  • Parallel-in to parallel-out
  • Parallel-in to serial-out
  • Universal shift register
  • Applications
  • BCD decoders
  • 7 segment display
  • Data Sheets (2)
  • Logic gates
  • Design representation
  • Digital versus analog
  • Basic Logic Gates
  • Applications of Logic Gates to the Automated Use of Machinery on Board Ships
  • combinational circuits
  • Adders
  • Half adder
  • Full adder
  • Ripple carry adder
  • Carry look ahead adder
  • BCD adder
  • subtractors
  • Subtraction
  • Parallel and Serial Subtractors
  • Encoder and Decoder
  • 2-bit encoder
  • 2-bit priority encoder
  • Decoder
  • 1-bit magnitude comparator
  • multiplexer and demultiplexer
  • Multiplexer
  • Demultiplexer
  • Implementation of combinational logic using MUX
  • Read-Only Memory (ROM)
  • Programmable Logic Array (PLA)
  • Programmable Array Logic (PAL)
  • Hazards in combinational circuit
  • communication system
  • modulation
  • Need for modulation
  • AM modulation
  • Frequency modulation
  • Pulse modulation
  • Demodulation
  • Detectors
  • Data transmission and retrieval (Fax)
  • Modems
  • Microwave and Satellite Communication
  • ISDN
  • AMFM Transmitter and Receiver
  • Radar
  • Communication devices
  • Shipboard Portable Radio Repeater System Basics
  • Engine Order Telegraph
  • Rudder Angle Indicator
  • Shaft Revolution Counters
  • Running Light Panel
  • Steering Gear Alarms
  • Engine Room Alarm Panels
  • Alarms and Controls
  • Tank High Level Alarms
  • Refrigerated Space Alarms
  • Fire Detection System and General Alarms
  • Hi-Fog System Alarm Panels
  • Monitoring Alarm Systems
  • Electronic Fault Diagnosis
  • Interpretation and use of Electronic Systems and Subsystem Circuit Diagrams
  • Operation and Maintenance Manuals
  • Electronic Test Equipment
  • Method of DMM Display
  • Use of CRO as a Testing and Display Instrument
  • Analysis of Measurement and Test Result on Components and Circuits
  • Methods of Fault Detection
  • High Voltage Systems
  • Design Features, Operational and Safety Requirements for Marine HV System
  • HV and LV Distribution
  • Carrying out Switching and Isolation Procedure
  • Management of Troubleshooting and Restoration of Electrical and Electronic Equipment to Operating Conditions
  • Control System and Troubleshooting
  • Basic troubleshooting
  • working and troubleshooting of control circuits
  • Simple Control Circuit
  • Troubleshooting of Simple Control Circuit
  • Troubleshooting a Crane Circuit
  • Troubleshooting a Typical Car Control Circuit
  • Annunciator
  • Working of Annunciator
  • Troubleshooting an Annunciator
  • Troubleshooting of Electrical and Electronic Control Equipment
  • Electrical Safety and Test Equipment
  • Layout of Ships Electrical System (2)
  • Fault Level Calculations
  • Electrical Maintenance
  • Electrical Survey Requirements
  • Ships Lighting (2)
  • Test Equipment
  • Electrical Safety
  • Earthing
  • Electrical Safety (2)
  • Electrical Survey Requirements (2)
  • Sources of Static Electricity
  • Various Sources of Static Electricity
  • Van de Graaff Generator
  • Hazards of Static Electricity
  • Liquid Transmission Through Pipelines
  • Lightning
  • Methods to Overcome Static Electricity
  • Bonding and Grounding
  • Other Methods
  • Concepts of Stray Current
  • Sources of Stray Currents
  • DC Traction System
  • HVDC System
  • Industrial Devices
  • Cathodic Protection System
  • Prevention of Stray Currents
  • Safety Methods
  • Step Voltage Due to Lightning
  • Fighting Electrical Fires
  • Electrical Shock
  • Artificial Respiration Methods
  • Marine High voltage rules from Classification societies
  • Design of Earthed neutral system
  • Interpretation of Circuit Symbols
  • Standard Symbols
  • Alarms and Controls (2)
  • Gauges and Indicators
  • Line Symbols
  • Logical Six Step Trouble Shooting Procedure
  • Prime Mover Electrical Control
  • Main Air Circuit Breaker
  • Electrical Distribution Systems
  • Electrical Survey Requirements (3)
  • Calibrate and Adjust Transmitters and Controllers
  • Control System Fault Finding
  • Function Test of Electrical and Electronic Control Equipment and Safety Devices
  • Testing and Calibration of Protection Devices
  • Types of Transducers (with calibration)
  • Software Version Control (2)
  • PLC
  • Microcontrollers
  • Digital Techniques
  • Encoder
  • Decoder (2)
  • Multiplexer (2)
  • Demultiplexer (2)
  • Synchronous counters
  • Applications of Shift Registers
  • BCD decoders (2)
  • 7 segment display (2)
  • Maintenance and Repair
  • Electrical Maintenance - General
  • Introduction to Electrical Maintenance
  • General Maintenance
  • Care and Maintenance
  • Types of Insulation
  • Measurement of IR Value
  • Drying-Out of Electrical Windings - Break-down strength of insulation
  • Maintenance of Carbon Brushes
  • Servicing a Universal Motor
  • Machinery Alignment
  • Measuring Air Gaps
  • Overhauling the Bearings
  • Active and Passive safety
  • Isolating electrical equipment to work safely
  • Maintenance of Cables
  • Cable and Raceway Restraints
  • Maintanance of Busbar
  • Fuse Testing
  • Equipment
  • Carrying out Safe Maintenance and Repair Procedures
  • Cleaning Equipment
  • Maintenance of motor controllers
  • Electrical Contact Maintenance
  • Lighting System Maintenance
  • Lamp Rounds
  • Ballast Renewal
  • Fixture Overhaul
  • Outlet Repairs
  • Maintenance of Electronic Devices
  • Electronic component testing
  • Method to Check Diode Using Multimeter
  • Testing Transistor with multimeter
  • Testing Transistor with simple switching circuit
  • Testing of JFET, MOSFET and SCR
  • Detection of Machinery Malfunction
  • Location of Faults and Action to Prevent Damage
  • Pneumatic Failure
  • Electronic Failure
  • Electric Failure
  • Hydraulic Failure
  • Causes and Remedies
  • Manual-electrical equipment
  • Battery
  • Equipment (2)
  • Power, Generator and lighting
  • UPS
  • Wiring
  • AC Motor
  • Miscellanious equipment
  • Miscellaneous equipment 1
  • Miscellaneous equipment 2
  • Miscellaneous equipment 3
  • Miscellaneous equipment 4

Basic Electricity

Basic Electricity