
Marine Engineering Practice (MEP2)

Course Topics

  • Theory of Maintenance
  • Basic Issues Related to Maintenance
  • Two Basic Philosophies of Maintenance
  • Important Aspects of Preventive Maintenance Strategy
  • Factors supporting Preventive Maintenance strategy
  • Steps taken for mitigating the damages
  • Preventive maintenance activities and PMF
  • Corrective and Deferred maintenance
  • Equipment failure patterns and their analysis
  • Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
  • Maintenance and Repair Expenditure
  • Spare Parts and Stores
  • Knowledge of Marine engineering practice & maintenance
  • Materials Used in the Shipbuilding
  • Other Engineering Materials
  • Metallurgy of Steel and Cast Iron
  • Piping
  • Valves
  • Effect of valve design on Materials Selection
  • Galvanic Considerations in Valves
  • Conclusion
  • Ship building Process
  • Steel Fabrication
  • Steel Ship Repair Processes
  • Steel Ship Repair Practices and Processes
  • Hazards and Precautions including Health
  • Role of a Ship's Engineer in the Yard
  • Concluding Remarks
  • On Board Repair of Ship Systems and Components
  • Work Safety on Board
  • Use of Tools, Tackles and Cranes
  • Fastenings
  • Fasteners
  • Different Shipboard Applications
  • Hand Tools and Measuring
  • Marking and Measuring Tools
  • Measuring Gauges
  • Marking Tools
  • Measuring Tools
  • Marking Gauges
  • Hand Tools
  • Screw Drivers
  • Pliers
  • Vise
  • Tweezer
  • Introduction and Learning Objectives
  • Hacksaw
  • snip
  • Chisel
  • Surface finish and Drilling Tools
  • Filing and Grinding Machines
  • Drilling Machines
  • Skill Practice with Metal Tools
  • Filing Practice
  • Cutting Metal Using a Hacksaw
  • Internal Threading
  • External Threading
  • Re-sharpening of Tools
  • Use of Sealants and Packings
  • Sealants
  • Seals and Packings
  • Oil Control Rings
  • Mechanical Packing
  • Packed Gland Seals
  • Shaft Seals
  • Mechanical Seals
  • O Rings
  • Oil seals
  • Labyrinth Seals
  • PTFE seals
  • Gaskets
  • Some Marine Applications
  • Alignment of Machinery Components
  • Types of Misalignment
  • Symptoms of Misalignment
  • Causes and Effects of Misalignment
  • Some Important Details
  • Useful Measuring Instruments
  • soft Foot
  • Machine Frame Distortion
  • Distorted Bearing Housing
  • Types of Soft Foot
  • Air Gap or Parallel Soft Foot
  • Downward Bent Soft Foot
  • Upward Bent Soft Foot
  • SquishySpring Foot
  • Stress-Induced Soft Foot
  • Measuring and Correcting Soft Foot
  • Soft Foot Analysis and Tolerance
  • Bar Sag
  • Measuring Bar Sag
  • Compensating for Bar Sag
  • Pre Alignment Process
  • Alignment Methods
  • Visual Line-Up
  • StraightedgeFeeler Gauge
  • Rim and Face
  • cross Dial
  • Reverse Dial
  • Laser
  • Moving the Machine as per readings
  • Vertical Movement
  • Horizontal Movement
  • Bolt Binding
  • Precision Alignment
  • Rim and Face Set Up
  • Mathematical Solution
  • Examples
  • Cross Dial set up
  • Mathematical Solution (2)
  • Example
  • Graphical Solution
  • Reverse Dial Set Up
  • Mathematical Solution (3)
  • Example (2)
  • Graphical solution (2)
  • Easy Four Step Alignment Process
  • Factor for Thermal Expansion
  • Doweling
  • Detection and Location of common faults
  • Introduction
  • Safety and Prevention of Mishaps in I.C Engines
  • Common Problems Found in Pumps on Board Ships
  • Common Problems Found Marine Refrigeration Systems
  • Common Problems Found Auxiliary Engines
  • Common Problems Found Steering Gear System Of Ships
  • Problems in handling bilges
  • Problems in startingrunning the Fresh Water Generator
  • Temporary or Permanent Repairs in the Event of Breakdown
  • Temporary Repairs
  • Permanent or Semi permanent methods-Reconditioning and Repair Methods
  • Metal-locking metal-stitching
  • Alloy welding
  • Thermal metal spraying
  • Shaft journal grinding
  • Failure of Cross-headBottom end Main bearings of Main Engine
  • Why Bearings Fail
  • What are the properties of bearing materials
  • The difference between conventional and thin shell bearing
  • Stresses at the Bearings
  • Prevention of Bearing Failure
  • Monitoring and Protecting of Bearing Damage
  • Bearing failures and temporarypermanent repairs
  • Dismantling Procedure for the Connecting Rod
  • Removing Main Bearing of MAN B and amp;W MC-C Engine
  • Inspect Bearings for defects
  • Running Marine Engines with Cylinders out of Operation
  • Take you home measures- case study 1 Crosshead bearing failure
  • Some permanent repairs from a repair company
  • A Matter of Millimeters - No Room to Spare
  • Rebabbiting Crankpin Bearings Sulzer 9RTA84-C
  • In-Situ Crankshaft Machining Restores bulk Carrier Crankshaft
  • In-Situ Machining Cruise Ship Crankshaft After Major Casualty
  • Bearing Failures Concluding Comments
  • Breakage of chain drives of main engine
  • Maintenance of Chain Drives
  • Breakdown on turbo chargers
  • Explosion in the Exhaust Manifold and Turbocharger failure
  • Collapsefailure of multiple boiler water tubes
  • Practice of Maintenance
  • Planned and preventive maintenance (ISM Code)
  • Planned Maintenance
  • Preventive Maintenance
  • Planned maintenance system
  • Condition based monitoring and its application
  • Parameter measurement during Condition Monitoring
  • Online Remote Fault Detection and Analysis using Condition Monitoring
  • Importance of Condition Monitoring of Diesel Engines
  • Condition Monitoring of marine Diesel Engines
  • Analysis of Lubricating oil
  • Shipboard analysis and tests
  • Vibration Monitoring
  • Ocular Monitoring
  • Stroboscopes
  • Fibrescopes
  • Endoscopes
  • Mirrors and Light Probes
  • Stethoscopes
  • Irregularities in Engine Combustion
  • Combustion Irregularities
  • Need for Piston Ring Monitoring and Harmful Effects of blow-by
  • Monitoring Temperature in Cylinder Liners
  • Monitoring Thermal Load
  • Computer aided performance Analysis(CAPA)
  • CAPA and Important Performance Parameters
  • Key Parameters monitored with Respect to Performance of the System
  • On-Line Monitoring of the Engine
  • Description and Advantages of the CAPA
  • Indicator Diagrams
  • Survey Requirement
  • Two Specific Methods of Condition Monitoring of Diesel Engines
  • Sulzer Integrated Piston Ring Wear-Detecting Arrangement with Trend Processing(SIPWA-TP)
  • SIPWA-TP wear-measuring concept
  • Monitoring and maintenance Performance Enhancement with Expert Knowledge, (MAPEX-PR) Monitoring Piston Running Reliability Indicator
  • Intelligent Terminal Board (ITB)
  • Condition Monitoring and maintenance of items areas prone to wear, tear and damage with use.
  • Welded Joints
  • Bolted and Riveted Joints
  • Keyed Joints
  • Shaft Couplings
  • Rigid Couplings
  • Flexible Couplings
  • Friction Couplings
  • Alignment of Couplings
  • Principles of tribology and its practices
  • Basics of Lubrication
  • Lubricants, types of Lubricants and Lubrication
  • Challenges in Lubrication of diesel engine
  • Friction, Wear and Lubrication in Marine Equipments
  • Friction, Wear and Lubrication in Rolling Bearings
  • Friction, Wear and Lubrication in Journal Bearings
  • Friction, Wear and Lubrication in Gears
  • Inspection and Adjustment of Equipment relevant to Marine Engineering
  • Alignment of shafting
  • Chain and Gear drive inspection
  • Crankcase Inspection
  • Corrosion and Its Prevention
  • Corrosion, Erosion and the Corrosion Triangle
  • Formation of corrosion cell
  • Importance of Corrosion Protection
  • Galvanic series of metals
  • Stress concentrations leading to corrosion cell formation
  • Measures to minimise corrosion
  • How to Prevent Corrosion
  • Difference in surface conditions leading to formation of corrosion cells
  • What is Cathodic Protection
  • Cathodic protection using sacrificial anodes
  • Sacrificial Anodes Cathodic Protection
  • Impressed current system
  • Impressed Current Cathodic Protection
  • Treatment of steel in shipyard
  • Structure of paint and purpose of each constituent
  • Purpose of Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
  • Common paint vehicles - Drying oils, oleo resins, alkyd resins, polymerizing chemicals, Bitumen and suitability of each for various applications.
  • Paint schemes for Underwater areas, boot topping, top sides, weather decks, super structures and tank interiors
  • Surface preparation for painting
  • Safety Precautions when Using Paints
  • How Anti-fouling paint acts
  • How Anti-corrosive paint acts
  • Wetted surface area text
  • Dry docking and other major repairs
  • Types of Drydocks
  • Types of Drydocks (2)
  • Drydocking Frequency and Work done
  • Drydocking Activities
  • Before Drydocking
  • Why drydock
  • Planning and Pre-award Phase
  • Identify Modifications Required
  • Build Drydock Defect List
  • Details required for Defect Report
  • Carry out Pre drydocking Inspection
  • Prepare Drydock Specifications
  • Activities at the Office ashore
  • Arrange Spares and Stores
  • Prepare Drydock Budget
  • Prepare Request for Quotation
  • Select Shipyard
  • Negotiating with Shipyards
  • Contract with the Yard- Salient Points
  • Before entering the drydock
  • During Drydocking
  • Comply with Safety Procedures
  • Safety issues in drydock
  • Monitor Shipyard Work
  • Common Drydock Jobs
  • Inspections, including Hull, in Dry-docks
  • Propeller and Rudder Maintenance
  • Rudder types, removal and inspection
  • Rudder Repairs
  • Maintenance of Rudder
  • Removal and Fitting back Propellers
  • Propeller maintenance
  • Maintenance of Underwater Valves
  • Maintenance of Propulsion Shaft
  • Vibration in Propulsion Shaft
  • Propeller Shaft removal
  • Propeller Shaft removal & Inspection
  • Hull Fouling and Surface Preparation of Hull in Dry-dock
  • What is Hull Fouling
  • Causes of Hull Fouling
  • Effects of Hull Fouling
  • How to Prevent Hull Fouling
  • Treatment of steel in shipyard (2)
  • Importance of Surface Preparation
  • Methods of Surface Preparation
  • Surface preparation for painting (2)
  • Painting
  • Painting (2)
  • What is Paint
  • Types of Paint
  • Structure of paint and purpose of each constituent (2)
  • Purpose of Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) (2)
  • Common paint vehicles - Drying oils, oleo resins, alkyd resins, polymerizing chemicals, Bitumen and suitability of each for various applications. (2)
  • Why Paint Scheme
  • Cargo Tanks
  • Cargo Holds
  • Water Ballast Tanks
  • External Decks and Hatch Covers
  • Topside
  • External Superstructure
  • Underwater Area
  • Paint schemes in Nutshell
  • Safety Precautions when Using Paints (2)
  • How Anti-corrosive paint acts (2)
  • How Anti-fouling paint acts (2)
  • Types of Antifouling Paints
  • Regulatory Requirements
  • Wetted surface area
  • Coating Thickness
  • Condition during Application
  • Methods of Application
  • Coating Failure
  • Seek Daily Updates
  • Monitor Unplanned Activities
  • Accident repair
  • Damage Repairs
  • Monitor budget
  • Flood up Procedure
  • After Drydocking
  • Conduct sea Trial
  • Result of sea trial - Machinery part
  • Completion of drydock
  • Compile Survey and Inspection Reports
  • Prepare Drydocking Report
  • Approve Invoices for Payment
  • Safe Practices in Drydocks
  • Accidents and Hazards in Drydocks
  • Manageable Breakdowns and Emergency Repairs
  • Repair methods
  • Reconditioning methods
  • Failure Case Studies
  • Risk assessment and evaluation
  • More on Risk Assessment
  • Risk Management
  • Safe maintenance and repair procedures
  • Destructive and non-destructive testing
  • Starting Airline Explosion
  • Major contamination of main L.O. sump – Action handling rectification
  • Severe flooding of engine room bilges – Action handling rectification
  • Trials, commissioning and restoration of the plant after repairs
  • Before commencement of Repair jobs
  • During the Repair Jobs
  • After completion of the Repair jobs
  • Fitting Commissioning and Testing
  • Safe Working Practices
  • Lifting Loads
  • Hot Work
  • Electrical Equipment
  • Batteries
  • Hazardous Area Onboard
  • Marine Engineering Maintenance
  • Valves and Pipelines Maintenance
  • Piping Systems on Ships
  • Sea Water Circulating System
  • Bilge System
  • Ballast System
  • Fuel Oil Bunkering and Transfer
  • Failure Precautions and Prevention
  • Other Problems
  • Types of pipeline repairs and reconditioning
  • Air Vents and Sounding Pipes
  • Characteristics of Air and Sounding Pipe
  • Pipeline Maintenance
  • Permanent or Temporary Pipeline Repair
  • Temporary Repairs (2)
  • Temporary Repair Methods
  • Precautions against Permanent Repairs
  • Repair Procedures
  • After Repair Testing
  • Bellows and Expansion Joints
  • Pipeline Maintenance under Operation
  • Safe Isolation of System
  • Sea Chest Filter Cleaning
  • Valves and their Functions
  • Routine Maintenance on Valves (Generic)
  • Valve Overhauling Procedure (Generic)
  • Maintenance of commonly used shipboard Valves (Specific)
  • Shipside valves
  • Sea valves types and description
  • Defects of sea valves
  • Storm valves overhaul and maintenance
  • Globe valves overhaul and maintenance
  • Gate valves overhaul and maintenance
  • Butterfly valves overhaul and maintenance
  • Maintenance of Shipboard Valves
  • Valves (2)
  • Auto Deaerating valve
  • Ball valves
  • Cast Steel Valve
  • Control valves
  • Direct acting solenoid valves
  • Direct Mount Valve
  • Engine room control valve
  • System pressure control valve
  • Emergency shut-off Valve
  • Non-Return valve, Swing - Check valve
  • One piece ball valve
  • Pressure gauge valve
  • Safety valve
  • Stop valve
  • Three piece ball valve
  • Various valve in engine room
  • Solenoid Operated directional valve
  • Pressure vaccum relief valve
  • Engine room Valves
  • Butterfly valve
  • Solenoid valve box
  • Materials for Pipes and Valves
  • Corrosion in Valves and Pipes
  • Shipboard Valves
  • Pipes
  • Sounding Pipes
  • Pipe Bending
  • Auxiliary Equipment Maintenance
  • Heat Exchanger Maintenance
  • Maintenance of S&T HE
  • Safe Isolation of the System Check List
  • Tubular Heat Exchangers
  • Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers Cleaning
  • Back Flushing of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers
  • Dismantling, Tube replacement and assembling of cooler
  • Leakage Detection and Tube Plugging
  • Division Plate Failure
  • Troubleshooting Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers
  • Manual
  • Oil heater
  • U-Type Oil heater - Instruction Manual and Operation
  • Shell tube type Heat exchanger
  • Maintenance of Plate HE
  • Back Flushing of Plate Type Heat Exchangers
  • Different Types of Fouling and Cleaning Techniques
  • Service and Repair of Plate Heat Exchangers
  • Troubleshooting of Plate Type Heat Exchangers
  • Air Compressor Maintenance
  • Maintenance Chart
  • Safe Isolation of the System
  • Filter Cleaning and Oil Replacement
  • Overhaul of Compressor Parts
  • Safety Devices
  • Manual (2)
  • Air Compressor
  • Instruction manual
  • Maintenance
  • Operation
  • Types of Air Compressor
  • Breathing Cascade compressor
  • Emergency Air Compressor
  • Heat dissipation air cooled compressor
  • Piston compressor
  • Sauer Compressor
  • Starting air compressor
  • Two stage air compressor
  • Control air compressor
  • Air Receiver and its Maintenance
  • Manual (3)
  • Air Reservoir
  • Troubleshooting of Air Compressors
  • Plate type Valves
  • Test, Sizes and Limits
  • Steering Gear Maintenance
  • Introduction (2)
  • Maintenance Chart (2)
  • Safe Isolation of the System (2)
  • Filter Cleaning
  • Troubleshooting
  • System Oil Charging and Air Purging
  • Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Maintenance
  • Maintenance Chart of Refrigeration System
  • Safe Isolation of the System (3)
  • Purging Out Air from the System.
  • Adding Oil to the System
  • Cleaning of Oil Strainer
  • Purging Out Air from the System
  • Adding Oil to the System (2)
  • Cleaning of Oil Strainer (2)
  • Oil-Contamination in the Refrigerant System
  • Oil in a Reefer System
  • Detrimental Effects Of Oil In A System
  • Oil Separators
  • Management of oil return
  • Single Compressor System
  • Multi compressors System
  • Oil Return at Suction
  • Oil Return to the crankcases
  • Centralized Oil return
  • One separator per compressor
  • High Pressure oil return
  • Helical Oil Separators
  • Charging Refrigerant in the System
  • Leakage Rectification in the System
  • Testing Compressor Discharge Valves
  • Testing of Compressor Suction Valve
  • Troubleshooting of Refrigeration System
  • Maintenance Chart of Air-Conditioning System
  • Replacement of Air Filter Element in AC System
  • Trouble Shooting of Air Conditioning System
  • Reefer and Air Conditioning
  • Oil Contamination in the system
  • Capacity Control Refrigeration Compressor
  • Centrifuges Maintenance
  • Safe Isolation of the System (4)
  • Maintenance Chart for Centrifuges
  • Maintenance of Bowl Assembly
  • Maintenance of Horizontal Shaft
  • Maintenance of Vertical Shaft
  • Troubleshooting related to Centrifuges
  • Centrifugal Purifiers
  • Manual (4)
  • Instruction manual for selfjector
  • Purifiers
  • Control unit for OSE separators
  • Diesel - Lube oil Purifier
  • Mineral oil centrifuge
  • Separators
  • Working & Drawing
  • Control System Equipment Maintenance
  • Safe Isolation of the System (5)
  • Maintenance Chart (3)
  • Overhaul of Diaphragm Operated Control Valve
  • Troubleshooting (2)
  • Pumps
  • Maintenance Chart (4)
  • Troubleshooting of a Pump-Generalised
  • Safe Isolation of the system (6)
  • Overhaul of Centrifugal Pump
  • Overhaul of Rotary Vane Pump
  • Maintenance of Reciprocating pumps
  • Parts of a Reciprocating Pump
  • Working Principle of the reciprocating pump
  • Types, Uses, Advantages and disadvantages
  • Maintenance required on the reciprocating pump
  • Problems and Possible Causes
  • Troubleshooting of reciprocating pumps
  • Maintenance of Reciprocating Pumps (2)
  • Overhaul of Screw Pump
  • Preparations for overhaul
  • Overhauling the screw pump
  • Assembling, Safe trials and commissioning
  • Troubleshooting of Screw Pump
  • Overhaul of Gear Pump
  • Preparations for overhaul (2)
  • Possible types of gears
  • Overhauling the gear pump
  • Assembling and Safe trials and commissioning
  • Reciprocating Pumps
  • Pumps (2)
  • Routine Maintenance
  • Screw Pumps
  • Auxiliary Boiler Maintenance
  • Boiler Water Testing and Treatment
  • Purpose of Boiler Water Treatment
  • Feed Water System
  • Feed water Treatment and Testing
  • Treatment of Feed water
  • Water Testing
  • Hardness Causing Salts
  • Boiler Scale and Corrosion
  • Scale Formation and Boiler
  • Corrosion in Boilers
  • Internal Waterside Corrosion
  • Electrochemical Corrosion
  • Combination of Electrolytic and Mechanical or Chemical Attack
  • External Fireside Corrosion
  • Boiler Water Tests
  • Precautions Before Test
  • Phosphate Test
  • Hydrazine Test
  • Neutralized Conductivity Test
  • Condensate pH Test
  • Hydrate Alkalinity Test
  • Boiler Maintenance
  • Auxiliary Smoke Tube Boilers (Donkey Boiler) and Exhaust Gas Boiler
  • Water Tube Boilers used for Propulsion and Auxiliary Purposes
  • For Major Overhauls (in addition to above)
  • Boiler Maintenance Plan
  • Maintenance of safety Valve
  • Boiler Survey
  • Preparation Before Survey
  • Low Pressure Tank-type Boiler Survey
  • Survey of Sunrod CPH Tank Boiler
  • D-type Watertube Boiler Survey
  • Boiler Repairs
  • Temporary Take You Home Repair
  • Sunrod Membrane Wall Tube Repairs
  • Re-tubing and Tube Replacement for Boilers
  • Hydrostatic test
  • Planning the job
  • Why do the Tubes fail
  • Case Story Watertube boiler tube failure
  • Membrane Tube Repairs
  • Trouble Shooting Procedures
  • Boiler manual
  • Auxiliary boiler
  • Drawings
  • Installation
  • Instruction manual (2)
  • OC Boiler, Pressure Atomising, Control system
  • Operating Instructions
  • Other components
  • PC Monitoring and control system
  • TroubleShooting (3)
  • Burner
  • Assembling and Disassembling
  • Instruction
  • Oil Burning Apparatus
  • Program Logic Controller
  • Marine auxiliary boiler
  • Marine auxiliary boiler (2)
  • Instruction manual (3)
  • Main Propulsion Diesel Engine Maintenance
  • Effect of Poor Maintenance of Main Engine
  • Precautions related to Maintenance Schedules
  • Filters
  • Introduction and Learning Objectives (2)
  • Filtering Theory
  • Filters and Strainers
  • Filters used onboard the Ships
  • Based on Filtration medium
  • Hydraulic Filter
  • Water filters
  • Air Filter
  • Special Filters
  • Based on Filtration Mechanisms and Filter Media
  • Best Practices for Oil Filter Usage
  • Filter Failure Modes
  • Maintaining an Installed Filters
  • Analysing the Filter
  • Filter Disposal
  • Pressure differential
  • Microbiological infestation
  • Construction and Working of Filter Types
  • Filter Coalescers
  • Magnetic Filters
  • Centrifugal Filters
  • Back Flushing Filters
  • Auto Clean Filter
  • Advantages
  • Maintenance (2)
  • Scavenge Space Inspection
  • Scavenge Fires and Drains System
  • The worst case scenario for a scavenge fire
  • Crank Shafts
  • Load Forces on Crank Shafts
  • Types of Crankshafts
  • Slipping of Crankwebs
  • Reasons for Failure and Precautions to be taken
  • Crankcase Inspection (2)
  • Crankshaft Deflection and Alignment
  • Bearing Clearances
  • Scavenge Fire, Crankcase Explosion and Air Start Explosion
  • Turbocharger Maintenance
  • Turbocharger Overhaul, breakdown, emergency operation
  • Operation Maintenance and Repair of Chain drives
  • Introduction and Learning Objectives (3)
  • Operation and Inspection of Chain Drives
  • Damages in Chain Drives and the Ways to Rectify it
  • Maintenance of Chain Drives (2)
  • Measurement of Chain Drives
  • Engine Structure
  • Tie Rods
  • Jack Bolts
  • Cylinder Head Assembly
  • Exhaust Valve
  • Air Start Valve
  • Safety Valve (2)
  • Fuel Injector
  • Cylinder Liner
  • Piston
  • Pistons and Rings
  • Piston Overhaul
  • Stuffing Box
  • Operating Troubles
  • Air cooler Elements
  • Instruction Manual for VIT ( Variable Injection Timing) system
  • Bridge Console
  • Chain Parts and Hydraulic Units
  • Coffin Planimeter
  • Cylinder
  • Exhaust valve (2)
  • Oil mist detector
  • Open Automation Architecture Interface
  • Pipes, Receiver, Cooler and Blower
  • Pneumatic Components
  • Propulsion Control System
  • RPM Detection System
  • Universal Monitoring and Electronic Tacho System
  • Water cooling System & Lubrication
  • Inspection
  • Instruction manual (4)
  • Maintenance (3)
  • Operation (2)
  • Replacement and Adjustment
  • Trouble shooting
  • User Manual
  • Auxiliary Power Diesel Engine Maintenance
  • Filters (2)
  • Crankcase Inspection (3)
  • Crankshaft Deflection and Alignment (2)
  • Cylinder Head Assembly (2)
  • Air Start Valve (2)
  • Safety Valve (3)
  • Inlet and Exhaust Valves
  • Fuel Injector (2)
  • Rocker Arm Assembly
  • Piston Assembly
  • Cylinder Liner (2)
  • Connecting Rod
  • Fuel Pumps
  • Fuel Pump Timing
  • Operating Troubles (2)
  • Correction of Defects and Breakdown Repairs
  • Crank case explosion
  • MANUAL AUX Power
  • Daihatsu diesel engine operation manual
  • Water cooled diesel engine
  • Gears and Camshaft
  • Maintenance of Propeller Shafting
  • Maintenance of Propeller Shaft
  • Thrust Block Purpose and Operation
  • Purpose and Operation of the Propeller Drive Shaft
  • Shaft Bearings
  • Intermediate shafts and Couplings
  • Stern tubes
  • Fitting Shaft seals in service
  • Tail shaft keys and keyways
  • Stern Tube Bearing and Seals 1
  • Deck Machinery and Hydraulic Equipment Maintenance
  • Routine Maintenance of Cargo handling Equipment
  • Maintenance of Cranes
  • Class Survey and Lifting Gears
  • Wire Ropes
  • Windlass and Mooring Winch Maintenance
  • Hydraulic Oil System
  • Safe Isolation of the system (7)
  • Maintenance chart (5)
  • Maintenance procedure
  • Instruction manual (5)
  • Maintenance of Hatch Covers
  • Hatch cover Operation
  • Rolling Type Hatch Cover
  • Cargo hatch cover
  • Hydraulic oil system (2)
  • Safe Isolation of the system (8)
  • Maintenance Chart (6)
  • Maintenance procedure (2)
  • Troubleshooting (4)
  • Maintenance of Life Boat
  • Lifeboat Operation
  • Lifeboat Fittings
  • Requirements and Tests for Lifeboats
  • Maintenance chart (7)
  • Maintenance Procedure (3)
  • Trouble shooting (2)
  • Life Boat 1
  • Electrical Maintenance
  • D.C. Machine
  • Rewinding of the Field Coil
  • Rewinding of the Armature
  • Performance Test of D.C. Generator
  • Alternators
  • Open and Short Circuit tests of an Alternator
  • Load Performance Test on 3 Phase Alternator
  • Measurement of IR Value
  • Induction Motor
  • Rewind a Ceiling Fan motor
  • Rewind a Table Fan
  • Rewinding of Single Layer Wound Motor
  • Polarity Test by Search Coil Method
  • Unbalanced Current Test Method
  • Slip Test and Efficiency Test
  • Determination of Slip for 3-ph Squirrel Cage Induction Motor
  • Brake Test for 3-ph Induction Motor
  • No-Load and Blocked Rotor Test
  • Maintenance of Battery
  • Maintenance of Transformers
  • Periodical Maintenance
  • Recondition the Silica in Transformer's Breather
  • Estimation of Voltage Regulation and Efficiency
  • Determination of Losses in a Single Phase Transformer
  • Rewinding of Small Transformer
  • Transformer Oil Test with Oil Testing Kit
  • Servicing a Universal Motor
  • Maintenance of Cables
  • Maintenance of Busbar
  • RPS and Voltage Stabilizer
  • Maintenance of RPS
  • Auxiliary Steam Engine Maintenance
  • Maintenance of Steam Engine
  • Petrol Engine Maintenance
  • Maintenance of Petrol Engines
  • Troubleshooting of Petrol Engines
  • Summary Points Petrol Engine Maintenance
  • Belt Transmission
  • Gears
  • Engine room Crane
  • Water Treatment
  • Safety and emergency procedures
  • Common Faults in the Ship
  • Marine Engineering Practice
  • Types of Surveys
  • Classification Society and Class Certificates
  • Statutory Certification of Ships
  • Some Surveys and its applicability
  • Surveys for Maintenance and renewal of certification
  • In water - survey
  • Inspections
  • Why Inspect
  • Superintendent`s inspection
  • Preparation for inspection
  • Inspection plan
  • Inspection of structures
  • Inspection of equipment
  • Inspection of procedures
  • Pre drydocking inspection
  • Inspection report and review

Theory of Maintenance

Theory of Maintenance


We are all aware that the two fundamental areas governing a sailing marine engineer’s domain of activity, are 

  1. Running the machinery one ought to; and,  
  2. Maintaining the machinery that we run. 

In this topic we will discuss various basic philosophies concerning the theory of maintenance and while the marine engineer is seldom made to think of the philosophies, rather than follow strictly as per the company directives and the Class rules, new technology has brought forward new hopes for monitoring of machinery and its needed maintenance, just-in-time, based upon  perhaps a trend analysis technique etc. So, it makes sense to have a deeper thought in terms of what we do, and why we do that? That is truly the essence of Theory of Maintenance.


The shipboard maintenance regime has developed historically, as guided by the Classification Societies and shipping companies experiences in operating their individual fleets. The Class societies, imposed an inspection and certification process on equipment and machinery which they insisted upon and the responsible shipowners also introduced company specific maintenance plans that went beyond the requirement of the Class. In recent times, more regulatory and professional bodies have further imposed their influence in number of shipboard operating areas. But the underlying philosophy must be based on uninterrupted operation of the ship without any unplanned "downtime" that affects commercial interest. This is done in majority of shipping, as a time-based maintenance plan, supported by the Class requirements. The maintenance is divided for annual, intermediate and certification survey, extending over 5 year period. There is a move to extend the timeframe, using a more elaborate risk based assessment using higher technologies.