
Naval Architecture & Ship Construction (NASC)

Course Topics

  • Naval Architecture
  • Basic Terms and Hydrostatics
  • Principal Dimensions
  • Density and Relative Density
  • Wetted Surface Area
  • Tonne per Centimetre (TPC)
  • WPA and Prismatic Coefficients
  • Block Coefficient
  • Form Calculations
  • Coefficient of Forms
  • Bonjean Curves
  • Body Plan
  • Application of Simpson's Rules to Areas
  • Application of Simpson's rule Moments of Areas
  • Calculation of area and the 2nd moment
  • Application of Simpson's rule Volumes and Moments of Volumes
  • Application of the Five-Eight rule
  • Interactive Exercise on Simpson's rules
  • Simpson's First Rule
  • Application of Simpson's First Rule
  • Simpson's Second Rule
  • Simpson's Third Rule
  • Trapezoidal Rule
  • Structural Strength
  • Hydrostatic Pressure
  • Load on an Immersed Plane
  • Center of Pressure
  • Total Pressure on Vertical Bulkhead of Various Shapes
  • Diagrams of Shear Force and Bending Moment
  • Longitudinal Bending Moment in Still Water and Wave Induced
  • Draught and Buoyancy
  • Meaning of buoyancy
  • Law of Floatation
  • Loadline
  • Fresh water Allowance - Calculation of TPC, FWA and DWA in Various Densities
  • Movement of Centre of Gravity
  • Centre of Gravity
  • Metacentre
  • Righting Lever
  • Equilibrium
  • Shift of Centre of Gravity Due to Addition or Removal of Mass
  • Shift of single weights
  • Shift of several weights
  • Shift of several weights
  • Inclining Test
  • Procedure to determine Light ship KG of the ship by Inclining test
  • Precautions to be taken while carrying out Inclining test
  • Calculation of Initial KG given Inclining Test data
  • Transverse Stability
  • Effects of Free liquid surface and sub-division of tanks
  • Dangers due to Water Accumulation During Fire-Fighting
  • Practical Requirements to ensure stability at sea
  • Management of Water and Fuel Tanks
  • Filling and Emptying Tanks at Sea
  • Stability at small angles of heel
  • Stability (at 'small' and 'large' angles of heel)
  • Rolling Period
  • Angle of Loll
  • Loss of stability and Correcting an angle of loll
  • List caused by shift of COG off centre-line of the ship due to loading, discharging and shifting of weights
  • Shift of Centre of Gravity (COG) of the ship due to loading, discharging and shifting of weights
  • Equilibrium - stable, unstable and neutral
  • Longitudinal Stability
  • Trim
  • Problem Solving
  • Trim Problems Type A
  • Trim Problems Type B
  • Changes due to alteration in density of sea water
  • Hydrostatic curves
  • Hydrostatic Tables
  • Hydrostatic Draft
  • Calculation of BM and KM; KM Curves
  • Damage Stability
  • Introduction
  • Effect of Damage
  • Damage Stability Criteria
  • Intact Stability Requirements
  • Damage Stability Basics
  • SOLAS General Requirements
  • Damage Control Plans
  • Specialized Vessels
  • Other Statutory Requirements
  • Post-damage Scenario
  • Corrective Action
  • Salvage
  • Scope of Stability Verification
  • Bilging of Compartments
  • Effect of Bilging
  • List due to Bilging
  • Permeability
  • Flooding of Compartments
  • Margin Line
  • Permeability of a space and cargo
  • Loss of buoyancy of a bilged compartment = Volume regained
  • How areas of intact water plane is reduced
  • Effect of flooding on transverse stability
  • Calculation of Stability after bilging of mid ship compartment (with or without permeability)
  • Calculation of List of a ship after bilging of midship side compartments
  • Effect of Flooding on trim
  • Effect of flooding on trim (2)
  • Calculate draft in damaged condition
  • Calculation of Stability of a ship after bilging of end compartment (with or without permeability)
  • Downloads
  • Non-statutory Requirements
  • External Information
  • References
  • External Links
  • Conclusion
  • Dry-docking and Grounding
  • Dry docking of a vessel
  • Declivity of docks
  • Weight on blocks as ship touches blocks
  • Critical period during docking
  • Why GM must remain positive until the critical instant
  • Upthrust from Blocks
  • Vessel taking the blocks at any point on the ships length
  • Floating Dry Dock
  • Minimum ships GM to ensure stability until the blocks
  • Maximum trim to ensure ship remains stable
  • Virtual loss of GM and Drafts after water level has dropped by a stated amount
  • Draft on Taking the Blocks overall
  • Loss in GM for fall in water level after taking the blocks overall
  • Grounding of Ship
  • Effects of Tides
  • Virtual loss in GM and drafts of a ship after tide has fallen by a stated amount
  • Point of Grounding Calculations
  • Dynamical Stability
  • Dynamical Stability at stated angle of heel represents potential energy of the ship
  • Potential energy is used in overcoming resistance to rolling and in producing rotational energy
  • Dynamical stability x Area under GZ Curve
  • Shear force bending moments and torsional stress
  • Shear force, bending moment, Load Difference between buoyancy and weight
  • How Wave profile effects SF and BM
  • Wave and cargo induced Torsional stress
  • Maximum permissible Torsional moments
  • Calculation of Shear force and bending moment, at stated stations (simply supported uniform beam with added weights or box shaped vessels
  • Drawing of shear force and bending moment curves
  • Resistance and Propulsion
  • Powers and Losses
  • Relations - Power, Displacement, Speed and Consumption
  • Various Type of Resistances
  • Frictional Resistance
  • Residuary Resistance
  • The Law of Corresponding Speeds
  • Froude's Law of Comparison
  • Elementary treatment of propeller and simple problems on Pitch, pitch ratio, apparent slip, wake velocity, Thrust and Power
  • Geometry and Types of Propellers
  • Drag and Lift of Propeller
  • Apparent Slip
  • Measurement of Pitch
  • Flow Conditions Around the Propeller
  • Sea Trials and Interpretation of Data Recorded
  • Effects of Fouling
  • Calculations involving Propeller (Wake Factor, Effective Power, Delivered Power, Propulsive and Quasi Propulsive coefficient)
  • Calculation Involving Propeller Efficiency
  • Computation of thrust and Power
  • Propeller Cavitation
  • Bollard Pull and its Calculations
  • Stability and Bollard Pull for Tugs
  • Ducted Propeller, Voith Schneider Propeller, Water Jet Propulsion
  • Voith-Schneider System on Tugs
  • Azimuthing Propulsion Drives
  • Rudders and Stresses on Rudders
  • Rudders and Damage Control
  • Heel when Turning Effect of Centrifugal Force and of Force on Rudder
  • Vibration in Ships
  • Recommendation on Intact stability for Passenger and Cargo ships
  • Precautions against capsizing
  • Intact and Damage Stability Criteria for Passenger and Cargo Ships
  • Stability Information Available in Hydrostatic Tables
  • Severe Wind and Weather Heeling Criteria
  • Heel while turning
  • Ship Construction
  • Principles of Ship Construction and Factors Affecting Trim and Stability
  • Measures necessary to Preserve Trim and Stability
  • Ship Terminology
  • General Cargo Ships
  • Containers
  • Oil Tankers
  • Breakbulk or Multipurpose Ships
  • Ro-Ro ships
  • Gas Carriers
  • Ship Terminology (2)
  • Bulk Carrier
  • Ship Dynamics, Hydrostatics, Displacement, TPC, Coefficients of Form, Areas and Volumes of ship shapes
  • Displacement
  • Tonne per Centimetre (TPC) (2)
  • Coefficient of Forms (2)
  • Calculation of area and the 2nd moment (2)
  • Volume and Moments
  • Center of Gravity, Transverse Stability
  • Transverse Stability of Ships
  • Trim, Stability during dry docking and during grounding
  • Forces on Ship Under Various Conditions, Including the Effect of Panting and Pounding
  • Static Forces
  • dynamic forces
  • Stresses caused by localised loading
  • Structural arrangement forward and aft to withstand panting and pounding
  • fore end Arrangement
  • Aft end Arrangement
  • Strengthening hatch opening of Containerships
  • Conclusion (2)
  • Structural Strength Elements
  • Types of Frames
  • Definitions with Interactives for common terms and camber, rise of floor, flare, sheer, rake
  • Hull Structure
  • KEEL
  • Bulk Carrier Double Bottom Construction
  • Bulk Carrier Double Bottom Construction (2)
  • Standard Steel Sections
  • Manufacture and Application of Standard Steel Structural Elements
  • Proper names of the various part
  • Structural Strength Elements (2)
  • Bulkheads
  • Regulations regarding the minimum number of bulkheads and their location
  • Watertight Bulkhead
  • Watertight Bulkheads
  • Weather tight bulkheads
  • Oil tight Bulkhead
  • Corrugated Bulkhead
  • Constructions of watertight bulk heads and its attachments to sides and tank top
  • Purpose of wash bulkheads
  • Use of cross ties in tankers
  • Procedure for testing of bulkheads
  • Racking stresses and transverse bulkheads
  • Comparison between Cofferdam, flat plate and corrugated bulkheads
  • Watertight and weather-tight doors
  • Watertight Doors
  • Watertight door
  • WT doors, mechanisms, indicators and all associated valves must be inspected once in a week
  • All WT doors in main transverse bulkhead must be operated daily
  • Operation of WT Doors
  • Types and Maintenance of WT Doors
  • Drills for operating WT doors, side scuttles, valves and closing mechanism must be held weekly
  • Records of drills and inspections to be entered in log book with regard to defects
  • Categories of Watertight Doors
  • Rules regarding the number of openings on passenger ships and watertight doors
  • Difference between water tight and weather tight doors
  • Arrangement of Power operated sliding WT door
  • Hinged WT door and means of securing
  • Ramp door of Ro-Ro ships
  • Ship side doors
  • Bottom Structure of Bulk Carriers
  • Longitudinally framed hull (tanker)
  • Longitudinal framing (Dry Cargo)
  • Machinery Seats
  • Bulbous bow
  • Stern Frame
  • Structural Arrangement Forward
  • Panting and Pounding Arrangements
  • Construction Drawings
  • Bow construction
  • Deck Construction
  • Double Bottom Construction
  • Engine Room Construction
  • Stern construction
  • Layouts
  • Hatches
  • Water Tightness to the Hatches
  • Anchors and Cables
  • Fittings
  • Openings in Oil Tankers
  • Chain Lockers and Attachment of Cables
  • Bilge Piping System
  • Ballast System
  • Sounding and Air Pipes
  • Rudders, Propellers and Thrusters
  • Rudder and Propeller Features
  • Controllable Pitch Propeller
  • Bow-Thrusters
  • Bow thruster-Instruction and Drawing
  • Stern Tube Arrangement
  • Fore Peak Tanks
  • Aft Peak Tanks
  • Double Bottoms
  • Deep Tank
  • Compartmental Drainage and Pumping
  • Levelling of Damaged Compartments
  • Introduction (2)
  • Learning Objectives
  • Fire water supply
  • Fixed fire extinguishing system
  • Electrical Installations
  • Fire detection and Fire alarm system
  • Ventilation of cargo spaces
  • Separate bilge pumping system and drainage arrangements for cargo spaces
  • Personal protection system and Medical equipment
  • Portable Fire Extinguishers
  • Insulation of Machinery space boundaries separation of Cargo spaces
  • Self Unloading System for bulk cargo
  • Special requirements
  • Pump room in Tankers
  • Ventilation of Holds
  • Oil fuel tanks
  • Welding
  • Gas or Oxy fuel welding
  • Manual Electric arc welding
  • Automatic welding process
  • Electro -Slag
  • Electro-Gas
  • TIG
  • MIG
  • SAW
  • Resistance Welding
  • Butt, Lap and Fillet Welds
  • Preparation of plate edge for welding
  • Use of tack welding
  • Weld faults - lack of fusion, penetration, reinforcement, root penetration, slag incursion, porosity, overlap, undercut
  • Various Test for welds
  • Purpose of flux
  • Single pass, multi pass and Back run
  • Full penetration fillet weld
  • Distortion due to welding and measures to minimise them
  • Classification societies requires tests on weld materials and electrodes before approval
  • Midships section of ships (Sketching and labelling)
  • General Cargo Ships (2)
  • Cellular Container Ship
  • Hatch Cover Less Cellular Container Vessel
  • Bulk Carrier (2)
  • Double Hull Oil Tanker
  • Chemical Tanker
  • LPG Carrier
  • OBO Vessel
  • Ro-Ro Vessel
  • Use of High Tensile Steel and Aluminum
  • High Tensile Steel and Associated Hazards
  • Advantages of use of aluminum alloys
  • Preservation of Strength of Aluminium super structure
  • Precautions against corrosion where Aluminium is used
  • Structural Fire integrity and protection
  • Types of bulkheads
  • Standard Fire Test
  • Tanker Venting Systems
  • Dry Docking
  • Learning Objectives (2)
  • What the Shipping Companies say
  • Drydocking Problems
  • Drydocking Activities
  • Before Drydocking
  • Why drydock
  • Identify Modifications Required as per regulations
  • Compile drydock defect list
  • Carry Out Pre drydocking Inspection
  • Prepare Drydock Specifications
  • Arrange Spares and Stores
  • Prepare Drydock Budget
  • Prepare Request for Quotation
  • Select Shipyard
  • Negotiating with Shipyards
  • During Drydocking
  • Monitor Shipyard Work
  • Common Drydock Jobs
  • Seek Daily Updates
  • Comply with Safety Procedures
  • Monitor budget
  • Monitor Unplanned Activities
  • Accident repair
  • After Drydocking
  • Compile Survey and Inspection Reports
  • Conduct sea trial
  • Prepare Drydocking Report
  • Approve Invoices for Payment
  • Resources
  • Extra Reference Material
  • Self Assessment
  • Design Features of Ships for General and Specialised Trade
  • Joining Ship Sections Afloat
  • Specialist Vessels
  • Conventional Cargo Carriers
  • Trends and Challenges of Megaships
  • Life Saving Equipment Operation and Handling Gear for Lifeboats and Life Rafts
  • Survival Craft and Rescue Boat
  • Life Boat Engines and Accessories
  • Handling gears for Lifeboats and Life Rafts
  • Ship measurement and Classification
  • Introduction Classification Societies
  • IACS
  • Members of the IACS
  • Objectives of ship classification
  • Terminologies Related to Surveys
  • Assigning of and maintaining of class
  • Recognized Organizations
  • Technical Requirements of Classification Societies
  • Implementation of technical requirements of the IACS
  • Types of periodic surveys
  • Non Periodical Surveys
  • Types of Statutory Surveys
  • Statutory Surveys and Certifications
  • Suspension or withdrawal of Class
  • Repairs to Structural Damage
  • Common Terms in Measurement of Steel Ships
  • Common terms used in tonnage measurement e.g. gross tonnage net tonnage.
  • Ship construction-structure
  • Panting and Pounding Arrangements (2)
  • Stern Frame (2)
  • Prefabrication
  • Structural Arrangements in Forward and Aft for Panting and Pounding
  • Naval Architecture

Naval Architecture

Naval Architecture