
Bridge Equipment and Watch Keeping (BWK)

Course Topics

  • Electronic Systems of Position Fixing
  • Global Navigation Satellite Systems
  • Principles, Block Diagram and Working of Global Navigation Satellite System
  • New Terrestrial Electronic Position Fixing Systems (eLoran)
  • Global Positioning System (GPS)
  • Basic Principle of GPS System and DGPS
  • Errors of GPS and DGPS
  • Performance Standards for GPS
  • Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS)
  • Introduction to ECDIS
  • Comparison of ECDIS and Paper Charts
  • Difference between Raster and Vector Charts
  • Difference between ECS and ECDIS
  • Automatic Identification System (AIS)
  • Purpose of AIS
  • Information Exchanged and Types of Messages
  • Ship to Ship Data Exchange
  • Information Displayed on AIS Screen
  • Limitations of AIS
  • Precautions During Use of AIS for Collision Avoidance
  • Performance Standards for AIS
  • LRIT (Long Range Identification and Tracking)
  • Purpose of LRIT
  • Data Transmitted by LRIT
  • Authorised ReceiversUsers of LRIT
  • Difference Between LRIT and AIS
  • Performance Standards for LRIT
  • VDR (Voyage Data Recorder)
  • Concept and Purpose of VDR
  • Playback Options
  • Details of Data Recorded on VDR and the Duration of Data Stored
  • Modules of VDR
  • Float-Free
  • S-VDR (Simplified VDR)
  • Performance Standards for VDR
  • Echo Sounders and Speed Measurements
  • Echo Sounders
  • Basic Principle, Block Diagram and Operation of Echo Sounder
  • Errors of Echo Sounder
  • Performance Standards for Echo Sounder
  • Speed Log
  • Basic principle of Electro Magnetic Log
  • Basic Principle of Doppler Speed Logs
  • Limitations of Speed Logs
  • Janus configuration
  • Performance Standards for Speed Log
  • Compass - Magnetic and Gyro
  • The Magnetism of the Earth
  • Magnetic Poles and Variation
  • The Magnetic Compass
  • Liquid and Dry Card Magnetic Compass
  • Binnacle, Lubber line and Ship’s Deviation
  • The Gyro-Compass
  • Free Gyroscope
  • Gyroscopic Inertia and Precession
  • Tilt and Drift, Damping, North Seeking Ability of Gyro Compass
  • Basic Knowledge of the Errors of Gyro and Application of Course
  • Latitude and Speed Errors
  • Calculation of Gyro Error
  • Steering Control Systems
  • Steering Control Systems -1
  • Operational Procedures
  • Change Over from Manual to Auto and Vice-Versa
  • Procedure for Testing of Steering System
  • Use of Rate of Turn Indicator (ROTI)
  • Performance Standards for ROTI
  • The Automatic Pilot
  • Auto-pilot
  • Principle and Functions
  • Auto Pilot Alarms
  • Various Settings of the Auto-Pilot for Optimal Performance
  • Performance Standards for Auto Pilot
  • Course Recorder
  • Checks and entries on course recorder
  • Maintain a safe Navigational Watch
  • Watch-Keeping
  • Watch-keeping Arrangements and Procedures
  • Keeping a safe navigational watch
  • Principles Observed in Keeping a Safe Navigational Watch
  • Relieving of Duties and Procedure of Taking Over Watches
  • Action on Receiving Storm Warning
  • Entries in Logbook
  • Bridge Manning Levels
  • Bridge Procedures Guide and its Contents
  • Keeping an Effective Anchor Watch
  • Relieving of Duties
  • Procedure for Taking Over Watches
  • Action on Receiving Storm Warning -(2)
  • Entries in Logbook- (2)
  • Thorough Knowledge of Effective Bridge Team Work Procedures
  • Maintaining Situational Awareness
  • Use of Ships Routeing
  • Effective use of information from navigational equipment
  • Radar
  • ARPA
  • AIS
  • Electronic Position Fixing Systems
  • IBS
  • Emergency Communication
  • Use of Reporting Systems
  • Ship Reporting Systems
  • VTS Reporting Procedures
  • Navigational equipment and techniques used for safe navigation in restricted visibility
  • Parallel Index Technique
  • Radar Clearing Ranges
  • Responsibilities
  • The Conduct of Blind Pilotage
  • Planning of Blind Pilotage
  • Content, Application and Intent of COLREG 72
  • Rules of the Road (First Part)
  • Introduction and Objectives
  • Part A – General
  • Introduction and Objectives-2
  • Rule 1 Application
  • Rule 2 Responsibility
  • Rule 3 General Definitions
  • Conclusion
  • Part B – Steering and Sailing rules
  • Section I (for any condition of visibility)
  • Introduction and Objectives-3
  • Rule 4 Application Rule 5 Look-out
  • Rule 6 Safe speed
  • Rule 7 Risk of collision
  • Rule 8 Action to avoid collision
  • Rule 9 Narrow channels
  • Rule 10 Traffic separation schemes
  • Conclusion-2
  • Section II (for vessels in sight of one another)
  • Rule 11 Application
  • Rule 12 Sailing Vessels
  • Rule 13 Overtaking
  • Rule 14 Head-on situation
  • Rule 15 Crossing situation
  • Rule 16 Action by give-way vessel
  • Rule 17 Action by stand-on vessel
  • Rule 18 Responsibilities between vessels
  • Conclusion-3
  • Section III (for restricted visibility)
  • Introduction and Objectives-4
  • Rule 19 Conduct of vessels in restricted visibility
  • Rules of the Road (Second Part)
  • Introduction and Objectives -5
  • Part C – Lights and Shapes
  • Introduction and Objectives-5
  • Rule 20 Application
  • Rule 21 Definitions
  • Rule 22 Visibility of lights
  • Rule 23 Power-driven vessels underway
  • Rule 24 Towing and pushing
  • Rule 25 Sailing vessels underway and vessels under oars
  • Rule 26 Fishing Vessels
  • Rule 27 Vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre
  • Rule 28 Vessels constrained by their draught
  • Rule 29 Pilot vessels
  • Rule 30 Anchored vessels and vessels aground
  • Rule 31 Seaplanes
  • Conclusion-4
  • Part D – Sound and Light Signals
  • Introduction and Objectives-6
  • Rule 32 Definitions
  • Rule 33 Equipment for sound signals
  • Rule 34 Manoeuvring and warning signals
  • Rule 35 Sound signals in restricted visibility
  • Rule 36 Signals to attract attention and Rule 37 Distress signals
  • Conclusion-5
  • Part E - Exemption
  • Part F Verification of compliance with the provisions of the Convention
  • COLREG Annexes
  • Objectives and introduction-7
  • Annex I
  • Annex II
  • Annex III
  • Annex IV
  • Conclusion-6
  • Bridge Resource Management
  • Allocation, Assignment, and Prioritization of Resources
  • Effective Communication
  • Assertiveness and Leadership
  • Obtaining and Maintaining Situational Awareness
  • Use of Radar and ARPA to Maintain Safety of Navigation
  • Fundamental Theory
  • Fundamental Principles of Radar
  • Block Diagram
  • Use of Various Controls
  • Radar as Range and Bearing Measuring Instrument
  • Safe Distances - Radar Spares and Magnetic Compasses
  • Radiation Hazards and Precautions
  • Radiation Hazard near Antennae and Open Wave-guides
  • Safety Precautions Necessary in the Vicinity of Open Equipment
  • Characteristics of Radar Sets
  • Introduction
  • Bearing Range Accuracy
  • HBW and VBW
  • Pulse Length and Pulse Recurrence Rate
  • Maximum and Minimum Range of Radar
  • Range and Bearing Discrimination
  • Factors External to the Radar set Affecting Radar Detection
  • Introduction-2
  • Radar Horizon
  • Sub Refraction, Super Refraction & Ducting
  • Effect of Precipitation and Sea on Radar Detection
  • Faulty Interpretation
  • Factors that Might Cause Faulty Interpretation
  • Indirect Echoes and Side Echoes
  • Multiple Trace or Second Trace Echoes
  • Setting Up and Maintaining Displays
  • Function and Adjustment of Controls
  • Transmitter Controls
  • Display and Reception Controls
  • Different Types of Display
  • Performance Monitor
  • Measurement of Range and Bearing
  • Range and Bearing Accuracy
  • Error in Range and Bearing
  • Marine Radar Performance Specifications
  • Performance Standards for Radar Equipment
  • Limitations of the Radar X-band and S-band
  • Plotting
  • Drawing of Relative Motion Triangle and Identification of Various Vectors and Angles
  • Plotting Devices
  • Drawing the Relative Motion Triangle on a Plotting Chart
  • Choosing Vectors for Optimum Efficiency
  • Advantages and Limitations of Use of Relative and True Vector
  • Closest Point of Approach (CPA)
  • CPA, TCPA and Bow Pass
  • Plotting in Relative and True Presentation
  • Effect of Course and Speed Changes on the Display
  • Advantages of Compass Stabilization of a Relative Display
  • Standardized Report Format and Reporting Procedure -Elements of the Two Parts of a Repott
  • Use of Trial Manoeuvre and Predictive Motion Vectors
  • Use of Radar in Navigation
  • Fixing ship’s position by ranges of two or more points
  • Obtaining Position Fix by Radar Bearings and Ranges
  • Possible Errors and Reliability of Fix
  • Aids to Radar Navigation
  • Use of Passive (Trails, History) and Active Aids
  • RACONs
  • SARTs
  • AIS Overlay on RadarARPA
  • Parallel Indexing Technique
  • Use of Parallel Indexing Technique in Radar Navigation
  • Wheel Over Positions and Safety Margins
  • Radar and COLREG 1972
  • Relationship of COLREG 1972 to the Use of Radar
  • Lookout, Safe Speed and Plotting of Targets
  • Actions to be Taken to Avoid Collision in Clear and Bad Visibility Conditions
  • Review of Plotting Techniques
  • Introduction and Learning Objectives
  • Course, Speed, Aspect, CPA and TCPA Determination
  • Avoiding Actions
  • Principal ARPA Systems
  • Vectors (Relative and True)
  • Digital Read-out
  • Potential Points of Collision and Areas of Danger
  • IMO Performance Standards for Automatic Radar Plotting Aids (ARPA)
  • Requirements for Acquisition and Tracking of Targets
  • Operation Warnings
  • Gyro and Log Inputs
  • Acquisition of Targets
  • Manual and Automatic Acquisition of Targets
  • Guard Rings and Guard Zones
  • Tracking Capabilities and Limitations
  • Principle of Tracking by ARPA
  • Target Swap
  • Processing Delays – Reason for Delay in Display
  • Setting Up Displays
  • Optimum Display of Echoes
  • Use of Echo Referencing in the True Motion Mode
  • Representation at Target Information-Benefits and Limitations of Operational Warnings
  • Errors of Interpretation
  • Lost Target
  • Incorrect Interpretation of ARPA
  • Errors in Displayed Data
  • Errors in Bearing by Backlash and Ship Motion
  • Errors in Asymmetrical Antenna Beam, Azimuth Quantization
  • Error Range by Rolling of “Own Ship”
  • Range Quantization
  • Effects of Heading and Speed Errors on Derived Information
  • System Operational Tests Self-diagnostic Routines
  • Risks of Over-reliance on ARPA
  • Obtaining Information from ARPA Displays
  • Critical Targets
  • Relative and True Course and Speed of Target
  • CPA and TCPA Targets
  • Application of COLREG 1972
  • Analysis of Displayed Situations
  • Actions to Avoid Close Quarter Situations
  • Ground Stabilization
  • Errors Involved in Ground Stabilization
  • Advantages and Limitations of Ground and Sea Stabilization
  • Caution to be Taken When Used in Conjunction with Doppler Log (Doppler Feed to ARPA)
  • Use of ECDIS to Maintain the Safety of Navigation
  • Capability and Limitations of ECDIS
  • Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) Data
  • Raster charts
  • Vector charts
  • The Singapore ENC
  • Data Accuracy and Presentation Rules
  • Display Options and Other Chart Data Formats
  • Dangers of Over Reliance
  • Functions of ECDIS Required by Performance Standards in Force
  • Operation, Interpretation, and Analysis of Information Obtained from ECDIS
  • Use of Functions that are Integrated with Other Navigation Systems in Various Installations
  • Safe Monitoring and Adjustment of Information
  • Own Position and Display
  • Route Monitoring and Custom Information
  • RADAR and AIS Overlay
  • Confirmation of Vessel Position by Alternate Means
  • Efficient Use of Settings to Ensure Conformance to Operational Procedures
  • Alarm Parameters for Anti-Grounding
  • Proximity to Contacts and Completeness of Chart Data
  • Backup Arrangements
  • Adjustment of Settings and Values to Suit the Present Conditions
  • Situational Awareness While Using ECDIS
  • Safe Water and Proximity of Hazards
  • Set and Drift
  • Chart Data and Scale Selection
  • Suitability of Route
  • Contact Detection and Management
  • Contingency Plans for Response to Emergencies
  • Muster List
  • Duties of Remote Control Operations
  • Divisions of the Crew into a Command Team, Emergency Team, Back-up Team and Engine Room Team
  • Essentials of Good Communication between Command team and Emergency teams
  • Actions to be taken in various emergencies
  • Measures to be taken in Emergencies for the Protection and Safety of the Ship, Passengers and Crew
  • Actions to be taken on Stranding
  • Initial Damage Assessment and Control
  • Sounding of Compartments
  • Sounding Depths All Round the Ship Using Hand-Lead
  • Actions to be Taken Following a Collision
  • Initial Damage Assessment and Control-2
  • Stoppage of Engine
  • Preparing Life Boat
  • Launching a free-fall lifeboat
  • Sending Emergency Signal
  • Precautions for the Protection and Safety of Passengers in Emergency Situations
  • Warning and Evacuating All Passengers
  • Taking a Roll Call, Instructing Passengers During Drills and Supply of Blankets
  • Means of Limiting Damage Following a Fire or Explosion
  • Cooling of Compartment Boundaries
  • Inspection for Damage
  • Procedure for Abandoning Ship
  • Transmission of Distress Call Until Acknowledged
  • Extra Food and Blankets
  • EPIRB, SARTs and Hand Held VHF sets
  • Warm clothing and lifejackets
  • TPAs and Immersion Suits
  • Launching in Heavy Weather
  • Use of Rocket Line-Throwing Appliances
  • Breeches buoy
  • Use of Emergency Steering and its Arrangements
  • Arrangements for Towing and being taken in tow
  • Towing Equipment and Tools on Board Ship
  • Methods of Towing Disabled Ship
  • Communication Between Two Ships
  • Emergency Towing Booklet
  • Rescue of Persons from Sea or from a Vessel in Distress
  • Use of oil in rough weather
  • Waiting for Day Light and Providing a Lee
  • Method of Rescue When Sea Conditions are Too Dangerous to Use Boat
  • Response to Distress Signal at Sea
  • Measures for Assisting a Vessel in Distress
  • Contents of the IAMSAR
  • Various Search Pattern and Signals to be Made by Ships and Aircraft
  • Use of IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases and English in Written and Oral Form
  • Contents of SMCP
  • Preparing Charts and Other Nautical Publications
  • Understanding Meteorological Information and Messages Concerning Ships Safety and Operation
  • Communicating with Other Ships, Coast Stations and VTS Centres
  • Performing the Officer’s Duties also with a Multilingual Crew
  • Standard Marine Communication Phrases
  • Using and understanding the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP)
  • Transmit and Receive Information by Visual Signalling
  • Signalling by Morse Code (Transmission and Reception)
  • Morse Symbols for the Alphabet and Numerals
  • Transmitting and Receiving Single Letter Signals by Morse Light
  • Ability to Transmit and Receive the Distress Signal “SOS”
  • Ability to Transmit and Receive the Urgency Signal “XXX”
  • Ability to Transmit and Receive the Safety Signal “TTT”
  • Using International Code of Signals
  • Recognition of International Codes Flags and Pendants
  • Purpose of International Code of Signals
  • Meanings of Single-letter Flag signals
  • International Code Signal of Distress
  • Manoeuvring the Ship
  • Effects of Various Deadweights and Draughts
  • Trim, Speed and Under-Keel Clearance, Turning Circles and Stopping Distances
  • Manoeuvring Data of Ship
  • Advance, Transfer, Drift Angle and Tactical Diameter
  • Track Reach, Head Reach and Side Reach
  • Turning Circles of a Ship and Directional Stability
  • Pilot card
  • Wheelhouse Poster
  • Effect of Wind and Current on Ship Handling
  • Effect of Wind on a given Ship while Moving and making Large Turns
  • Effect of Wind and Current on the Motion of the Ship
  • Manoeuvres for the Rescue of a Man Overboard
  • Man-Overboard Procedures
  • Initial Actions
  • Use of Man-Overboard Function in GPS for Homing in to the Man in the Water
  • Preparations for Rescuing Man
  • Picking Up Man and Picking Up Boat
  • Immediate and Delayed Action
  • Sequence of Actions when a Person is Seen to Fall Overboard
  • Squat and Shallow-Water and Similar Effects
  • Shallow Water
  • Squat and Bank Effect
  • Proper Procedures for Anchoring and Mooring
  • Procedure for Anchoring
  • Precautions to be Taken
  • Using Correct Terminology for Communication Between Bridge and Anchor Station Crew
  • Use of Anchor Buoys
  • Marking of the Cable
  • Sealing of Spurling Pipes
  • Joining of Two Mooring Ropes
  • Slip wire
  • Mooring Plan of a Ship
  • Optimum Mooring Pattern and Rope Leads
  • Dangers of using Different Rope Types in One Mooring System
  • Rigging Pilot LadderCombination Ladder
  • Making Fast Tugs and using Fenders during Berthing


SECOND MATE (F.G.)                                                                                                                                                                                      Maximum Marks: 200   

Duration: 3 hrs.                                                                                                                                                                                                 Pass Marks: 100

























Please note that the above format is only an indicative of the examination paper. The candidates are advised to refer to detailed teaching syllabus and the course outline.

