
Cargo Handling and Stowage (CARGO) - CM - I

Course Topics

  • Dry Cargoes
  • Timber Deck Cargoes
  • Code of safe practice for ships carrying Timber Deck Cargoes
  • Requirements when loading timber
  • Stowage and Lashing
  • Hazards
  • Action if cargo is lost overboard
  • Stability information
  • Rolling Period Test
  • Walkways
  • Visibility
  • Unobstructed View From Navigating Bridge
  • Heavy Lifts - Loading, Stowage and Discharge
  • Load Density
  • Distribution of Load
  • Rigging of a heavy lift derrick
  • Precautions while loading a heavy lift
  • Use of Shoring
  • Use of Dunnage
  • Securing Heavy Lift
  • Ship's Stability Considerations
  • Procedures for Receiving and Delivering Cargo
  • Mate's Receipts
  • Bill of Lading
  • Note of Protest
  • Charter Patties
  • Care of Cargo during Carriage
  • Crushing and Chafing
  • Ventilation of cargo
  • Code of Safe Practice for cargo stowage and securing
  • Cargo securing manual
  • Rolled Steel
  • Steel Coils
  • Steel Plates
  • Vehicles
  • Cargo Plans
  • Preparation of Cargo Space
  • Protect Cargo Liable to Freeze
  • Inspection of Lashings
  • Importance of Log Book Entries
  • Container Ships
  • Construction
  • Types of Containers
  • Marking of Containers
  • The Check Digit
  • Bay Plans and Stack Weight
  • Anti-Heeling Tanks
  • Torsional Stresses
  • Container handling equipment
  • Lashing materials for securing containers
  • Lashing and Securing
  • Container Code
  • Refrigerated Containers
  • Car Carriers and Ro-Ro Ships
  • General outline
  • Precautions when working cargo
  • Procedure for Lowering and Hoisting Ramps
  • Bow, Stern, Side Doors and Ramps
  • Opening procedure
  • Closing procedure
  • Stress limitations
  • Procedure for setting up and stowing retractable vehicle decks
  • Procedure for Opening, Closing and Securing Hull Openings
  • Reefer Ships
  • General Outline of Refrigeration Systems
  • Refrigerated Cargo
  • Precautions when loading cargo
  • Preparation of Cargo Space (2)
  • Care and Monitoring of Reefer Cargo
  • Inspection of Cargo
  • Cargo Handling Gear and Hatch Covers
  • Requirements - Cargo handling gear
  • Statutory requirements for lifting appliances
  • Chain Register and Certificates
  • Dock Safety Inspector
  • Guarding Dangerous Parts of Machinery
  • Maintenance of Cargo Gear
  • Testing Of Lifting Appliances and Loose Gear
  • Maintenance of wire ropes, blocks, shackles, hooks, sheaves, pulleys and slings
  • Maintenance of Hatch Covers
  • Check Weather Tightness
  • Securing of Hatch Pontoons
  • Side CleatsCross-Joint Wedge
  • Clear Drainage Channel
  • Compression Bars
  • Hydraulic System
  • Keeping a Watch in Port
  • Appropriate and Effective Deck Watch
  • LifePropertyEnvironment
  • When to Call Master
  • Chief Officer's Standing Orders
  • Assess Reported Defects and Damage of Bulk Carriers
  • Limitation on Strength of Parts on a Ship
  • Consider Bending Movements and Shear Forces
  • Common DamageDefects on a Bulk Carrier
  • Cracks Generally Found Transverse Bulkhead
  • Detrimental effects of Corrosionfatigue and inadequate cargo handling
  • Dangerous, Hazardous and Harmful Cargoes
  • Dangerous goods in packages
  • IMDG Code
  • Principles of IMDG Code
  • Definitions
  • Classification of IMDG Cargo
  • Dangerous Goods List
  • Limited quantities
  • Excepted quantities
  • Index of substances
  • Labelling and marking of packages
  • Placarding
  • Segregation of Dangerous goods
  • Segregation Table
  • Segregation in Breakbulk Cargo
  • Segregation in Container Ships
  • Segregation in Roro Ships
  • Segregation of Bulk Cargo
  • MFAG
  • Ems
  • Safe use of pesticides
  • MARPOL Annex III
  • Dangerous Cargo Manifest
  • Document of Compliance
  • Shipper's declaration of Dangerous Goods
  • Precautions When Handling Dangerous Goods
  • Inspections
  • Solid bulk cargoes
  • IMSBC code
  • Main hazards with shipment of bulk solids
  • Precautions to betaken
  • Tests for angle of repose and flow moisture point
  • Safety measures for bulk carriers - Chapter XII of SOLAS Convention
  • Bulk Carrier Loading and UnLoading (BLU Code)
  • Precautions Prior Entering Cargo Holds
  • Hold Cleaning
  • Documentation Prior Loading
  • Maximum Allowable Weight
  • Block Loading
  • Common Structural Rules (CSR)
  • Information Exchanged between the ship and the terminal
  • Check List - Ship-Shore Safety
  • Loading Manual
  • Grain Cargoes
  • IMO Grain code
  • Document of Authorisation
  • Grain Loading Stability Booklet
  • Grain Heeling Moments
  • Grains Stability Criteria
  • Securing Free Grain
  • Use of Shifting Boards
  • Preparations of Holds for the Carriage of Grain
  • Insect or rodent infestation
  • Stability Calculation
  • Safe Deck Watch
  • Oil Tankers
  • General Knowledge of Oil Tankers
  • Terms and Definitions
  • Tanker Arrangements
  • Segregated ballast
  • Clean ballast
  • Dirty ballast
  • Cargo Piping Systems
  • Cargo Pumps
  • Flammability Diagram
  • Shipshore liaison
  • Oil Tanker Operations
  • General precautions
  • Loading and discharging operations
  • Hooking up of cargo hose, loading arms, and grounding-strap
  • Grounding Strap
  • Loading operations
  • Discharging operations
  • Cargo Measurement Systems
  • Temperature and Volume Corrections
  • Cargo Calculation Procedures
  • Working with API Gravity at 60 deg F
  • Working with Density at 15 deg C in air
  • Cargo heating System
  • Ballasting and deballasting
  • Tank Cleaning
  • Slop-tank operation
  • Purging and gas freeing
  • Cargo Sampling
  • Gas Measuring Instruments
  • O2 Analyser
  • Explosimeter
  • Tankscope
  • Draeger Instrument
  • Inert Gas Systems
  • Inert gas system and its components
  • Deck Seal unit
  • PV Valve
  • pv Breaker
  • Operations
  • Crude Oil Washing
  • COW system and its components
  • Operations (2)
  • Sludge and Sediment management
  • MARPOL 197378
  • MARPOL Annexes
  • Chemical Tankers
  • Dedicated or parcel trades
  • IMO conventions covering the carriage of chemicals in bulk
  • MARPOL Annex 11
  • Categorization of Noxious Liquid Substances
  • Terminology for Tankers Carrying Chemicals
  • Types of Chemical Tankers
  • IBC and BCH Codes
  • Categories of Cargo
  • Hazards associated with chemical cargoes
  • Types of Tank Coatings
  • P and A Manual
  • Equipment for evaluation of Tank Atmosphere
  • Pre-Arrival Check List
  • Types of Tanks
  • Tank Arrangements with piping
  • Deepwell Pump
  • Chemical Tanker Operations
  • Cargo Planning
  • Cargo considerations
  • Voyage planning and stowage guidelines
  • Cargo information
  • Cargo Sampling (2)
  • Preparations for Loading
  • Procedures for Loading
  • Precautions during loading
  • Loading different cargoes and care during loading
  • Cargo Measurements and Calculation
  • Cargo Conditioning during transport
  • Use of Nitrogen for cargo conditioning
  • Discharging Plans and Procedures
  • Discharging, Stripping and pre-wash operations with NLS
  • Ballasting and deballasting (2)
  • Tank Cleaning in chemical tankers
  • Phases in tank cleaning operations
  • Tank cleaning methods - Chemical Tankers
  • Final Cleaning for Noxious Liquid Cargo
  • Tank Cleaning - Good Practices
  • Use of fixed or portable tank washing machines
  • Hazards in Tank Cleaning
  • Use of Slop Tanks
  • Cycle of a Tank Washing system
  • Annex 11 of MARPOL convention
  • Tank Cleaning for Inert and Non Inert Tanks
  • Precautions for Tank Cleaning Operations
  • Tank cleaning standards
  • Intertanko standards
  • Gas-freeing of cargo tanks
  • Cargo Tank Ventilation systems
  • Test for Cleanliness
  • Wall Wash Inspection of Tanks
  • Gas tankers
  • Gas Tanker Terminologies
  • Ship Survival Capability
  • Design for Survival Capability
  • SOLAS Ch. VII (2)
  • LNG, LPG, LEG and Chemical Gases
  • IGC code
  • Certificate of Fitness
  • Ship Arrangements and Principle of Design
  • Liquefied Gas Tanker Layout and Plans
  • General Arrangement Plans
  • Various Types of Ships
  • Fully pressurised ships
  • Semi-pressurised ships
  • Ethylene Carriers
  • Fully Refrigerated ships
  • LNG Carriers
  • Various Types of Tanks
  • IMO Type A
  • IMO Type B
  • IMO Type C
  • Membrane Type
  • Re-Liquefaction Plant
  • Deepwell Pump (2)
  • Pre-arrival Checklist
  • Cargo Operations in Gas Tankers
  • Information required before loading
  • Preparations for loading (2)
  • Evacuating
  • Drying
  • Pressurizing
  • Inerting
  • Gassing-up and Purging Cargo Tanks
  • Cooling Down Cargo Tanks
  • Cargo Loading Operations
  • Procedures for preparation for loadingunloading
  • Loading Cargo Tanks
  • Cargo Discharging Operations
  • Loaded Voyage
  • Boil-off Management
  • Cargo Tank Pressure and level control
  • Prevention of Sloshing
  • Ballast Passage
  • Ballasting System
  • Cold Maintenance during a Ballast Voyage
  • Cargo Tanks Pressure and Level Control
  • Prevention of Sloshing
  • Cargo Measurement and Calculation
  • Boil - off and Heel
  • Cargo Measurement Principles
  • Cargo Calculation Methods
  • Moss Carriers
  • Hazards with cargo operations with gas tankers
  • Pumping Systems
  • Centrifugal cargo pumps
  • Reciprocating Pump
  • Framo Pump
  • Portable FRAMO Pump
  • Eductors
  • Pump Operation
  • Pump Characteristics
  • Fumigating Holds
  • Reasons for Controlling Pests
  • International Health Regulations
  • Precautions when vessel is fumigated
  • Local Infestation
  • Man Entry After Fumigation
  • Vulnerable areas on ships requiring particular attention
  • Permission to be obtained from Port State administration prior fumigation
  • Fumigation information which should be supplied to the Master
  • Cargo Calculations
  • Draft Survey
  • Cargo Loadeddischarged
  • Cargo calculations (2)
  • Calculating Cargo
  • Use of ASTM Tables Density 1 5 degree c
  • Use Wedge Formula Only
  • Use of Stability and Trim Diagrams

Dry Cargoes

Dry Cargoes

The following Dry Cargoes have been described in the subsequent topics:

  • Timber Deck Cargoes
  • Heavy Lifts
  • Containers
  • Cars
  • Reefer cargo