
Naval Architecture I (NAI) - CM - I

Course Topics

  • Ship Construction I
  • Control Trim, Stability and Stress - Ship Construction
  • Welding
  • Gas or Oxy fuel welding
  • Manual Electric arc welding
  • Automatic welding process
  • Electro -Slag
  • Electro-Gas
  • TIG
  • MIG
  • SAW
  • Resistance Welding
  • Butte Lap and Fillet Welds
  • Preparation of plate edge for welding
  • Use of tack welding
  • Weld faults - lack of fusion, penetration, reinforcement, root penetration, slag incursion, porosity, overlap, undercut
  • Various Test for welds
  • Purpose of flux
  • Single pass, multi pass and Back run
  • Full penetration fillet weld
  • Distortion due to welding and measures to minimise them
  • Classification societies requires tests on weld materials and electrodes before approval
  • Framing system
  • Transverse framing system
  • Longitudinal framing system
  • Bulkheads
  • Regulations of Classification Societies regarding Bulkheads
  • Regulations of SOLAS Convention, 2020 regarding Bulkhead
  • Watertight Bulkhead
  • Watertight Bulkheads
  • Weather tight bulkheads
  • Oil tight Bulkhead
  • Corrugated Bulkhead
  • Openings in watertight Bulkheads
  • Purpose of wash bulkheads
  • Use of cross ties in tankers
  • Procedure for testing of bulkheads
  • Cofferdam
  • Racking stresses and transverse bulkheads
  • Watertight and weather-tight doors
  • Watertight Doors
  • Watertight door
  • WT doors, mechanisms, indicators and all associated valves must be inspected once in a week
  • All WT doors in main transverse bulkhead must be operated daily
  • Drills for operating WT doors, side scuttles, valves and closing mechanism must be held weekly
  • Records of drills and inspections to be entered in log book with regard to defects
  • Categories of Watertight Doors
  • Rules regarding the number of openings on passenger ships and watertight doors
  • Difference between water tight and weather tight doors
  • Arrangement of Power operated sliding WT door
  • Hinged WT door and means of securing
  • Ramp door of Ro-Ro ships
  • Ship side doors
  • Corrosion and Its Prevention
  • Corrosion, Erosion and the Corrosion Triangle
  • Formation of corrosion cell
  • Galvanic series of metals
  • Stress concentrations leading to corrosion cell formation
  • Difference in surface conditions leading to formation of corrosion cells
  • Cathodic protection using sacrificial anodes
  • Impressed current system
  • Measures to minimise corrosion
  • Treatment of steel in shipyard
  • Structure of paint and purpose of each constituent
  • Purpose of Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
  • Common paint vehicles - Drying oils, oleo resins, alkyd resins, polymerizing chemicals, Bitumen and suitability of each for various applications.
  • Paint schemes for Underwater areas, boot topping, top sides, weather decks, super structures and tank interiors
  • Surface preparation for painting
  • Safety Precautions when Using Paints
  • How Anti-fouling paint acts
  • AFS Convention
  • How Anti-corrosive paint acts
  • Wetted surface area text S = 2.58 times sqrt{triangle times text{length of ships}}
  • Surveys, Certification and Dry Docking
  • Statutory and Mandatory Surveys and Certificates
  • Initial, Intermediate, Annual and Renewal Survey
  • Periodic Survey
  • Harmonised System of ship survey
  • Enhanced Survey
  • Conditions Assessment Scheme (CAS)
  • Conditions Assessment Programme (CAP)
  • Ship Stability - I
  • Control trim, stability and stress - Ship Stability
  • Approximate calculations of Area and volume
  • Simpson Rules 1,2 and 3
  • Calculation of area and volume using Simpson's rule
  • Calculation of Geometric centres of area and volume
  • Calculation of TPC, FWA using Simpson rules
  • Effect of density TPC, FWA DWA calculations
  • Effect of change of density of water on TPC
  • Calculation of draft of vessel fore and aft due to change in density
  • Calculation of Free surface effect
  • I=LB³/12 for Rectangular Areas
  • FSC = I x RD of liquid in the tankW
  • FSC = Free Surface Moment in tonnes meters Displacement in tonnes (FSML)
  • Moment of Inertia of tank using Simpson's rule
  • Simplified stability data
  • Maximum Dead Weight moment
  • Minimum Permissible GM
  • Maximum Permissible KG
  • Use of diagrams of Dead Weight moment
  • Trim and List
  • Trim
  • LCG, LCB
  • Effect of LoadingDischarging and shift of weight on LCG
  • Effect of change in underwater volume on LCB
  • Trimming Moment
  • Moments required to change trim by 1 cm (MCTC)
  • MCTC=(∆×text{GM}_L100×LBP)
  • Why BM_L is used instead of GM_L for MCTC
  • Effect of change in density on MCTC
  • Trim: Trimming momentMCTC
  • Change in trim = Change in draft forward + Change in draft aft
  • Use of trim table
  • Centre of Floatation is centroid of water plane area
  • LCF is the tipping centre or the pivoting point about which the vessels change her trim
  • Change in draft aft Ta = (Tc * LCF)/LBP
  • Change in Draft = [Tc
  • Calculation of quantity of cargo to be loadeddischargedshifted to produce a requried trim
  • Calculation of Final FWDAFT Drafts
  • Calculation of quantity of cargo to be loadeddischarged to keep forwardaft draught constant
  • Calculation of quantity of cargo to be loadeddischarged to reach desired forwardaft draft
  • List
  • Cross curves of stability and KN curves
  • How to determine GZfrom crossKN curves
  • Effect on GZ values due to shift of weights
  • Pure loss of stability
  • Effect of increased lengthbreatht freeboard on the curve of stability curves
  • Calculation of Angle of list resulting from transverse and vertical movement of weight using GZ curves
  • Calculation of Area under GZ curve using Simpson's rule
  • Dynamical Stability
  • Statical stability requirments as per SOLAS
  • Dynamical Stability at stated angle of heel represents potential energy of the ship
  • Potential energy is used in overcoming resistance to rolling and in producing rotational energy
  • Dynamical stability = W x Area under GZ Curve
  • Intact stability requirements for carriage of grain
  • Intact stability requirements for the carrige of grains
  • Volumetric heeling moments (VHM) caused due to shift of grain in partially filledfull compartments
  • Use of Maximum permissible VHM curves
  • Calculation of Heeling arm ) and = 0.8 xint_O
  • Drawing - Heeling arm curve on Righting arm curve for given ship's condition and determining angle of heel
  • Comparison of the results with criteria set in Reg 4 of Grain Code
  • Dry-docking and Grounding
  • Dry docking of a vessel
  • Declivity of docks
  • Part of the weight is taken by blocks as soon as the ship touches the blocks and reduces buoyancy force by same amount
  • Critical period
  • Critical instant and and Why GM must remain positive until the critical instant
  • Up thrust P: (MCTC x T_c)Distance from the Center of Flotation and Resultant virtual loss of GM
  • Vessel taking the blocks first at any point on the ships length
  • Floating Dry Dock
  • Minimum ships GM to ensure stability until the ship sits on the blocks overall
  • Maximum trim to ensure ship remains stable at the point of ship taking the blocks overall
  • Virtual loss of GM and Drafts after water level has dropped by a stated amount
  • Draft on Taking the Blocks overall
  • Loss in GM for fall in water level after taking the blocks overall
  • How the stability of a ship that has grounded at one point on the centerline is reduced the same way as in dry dock
  • How up thrust increase with fall in tide, increases the heeling moment and reduces the stability
  • Virtual loss in GM and drafts of a ship after tide has fallen by a stated amount
  • Point of grounding given initial drafts and drafts after grounding

Ship Construction I

Ship Construction I