

Course Topics

  • Safety and Security on board
  • Safe Access to Ships
  • Enclosed Spaces
  • Lifting Heavy loads and Handling Tools
  • Hot work
  • Working on the deck and bad weather
  • Working in Machinery Spaces and Hazards in Accommodation
  • Working with Electrical Equipment
  • Exposure to dangerous substances and Chemicals
  • Working with Wire and Fibre ropes and Lifting Gears
  • Ship Specific Hazards
  • Transportation by water -ToFrom Ship
  • Fire Protection and Lifesaving Appliances
  • FTP code 2010
  • FSS code 2000
  • LSA code 1998
  • Fire Fighting Appliances Regulations under SOLAS
  • Life Saving Appliances Regulations under SOLAS
  • Organisation of Fire Fighting Drills
  • Onboard training
  • Small fires
  • Extensive fires
  • Drills in smoke-filled spaces
  • Casualty Management
  • Transporting a casualty
  • Case Studies
  • Ship Fire Fighting Organisation
  • General Emergency alarm
  • Fire control plan and muster list
  • Symbols on a fire control plan
  • Communications
  • Personnel safety Procedures
  • Means of Escape
  • Periodic shipboard drills
  • Patrol systems
  • Organisation of Abandon ship Drills
  • Actions when required to abandon ship
  • Evacuation Procedure
  • Actions when in the water
  • Training, Drills and Operational Readiness
  • Actions when called to survival craft stations
  • Abandon ship
  • Actions prior to abandonment
  • Preparing and launching survival craft
  • Personal preparation before abandonment
  • Actions after the abandon ship order
  • Important considerations when abandoning ship
  • Survival after abandonment
  • Rescue on land
  • Challenges at Sea
  • Survival in the water
  • Dangers of immersion in water
  • Organising for Survival
  • Actions to take for eventual survival
  • General lookout duties
  • Water and food
  • Issuing the water ration
  • Supplementing the water ration
  • Food
  • Supplementing the food ration
  • Maintenance of Fire Fighting Appliances
  • Maintenance and Inspection Guidelines
  • Portable and Semi-potable Fire Extinguishers
  • Fixed Gas Fire Extinguishing System
  • Onboard Maintenance Checklist- FFA
  • Maintenance Requirements
  • Weekly Testing and Inspection
  • Monthly Testing and Inspection
  • Quarterly Testing and Inspections
  • Annual Testing and Inspection
  • Two-Year Testing and Inspections
  • Servicing every Five Years
  • Servicing every Ten Years
  • Maintenance of Life Saving Appliances
  • Instructions for Maintenance of the Life Saving Appliances Onboard
  • Servicing of Inflatable Liferafts Lifejackets, Marine Evacuation Systems
  • Specific Procedures for Maintenance and Servicing
  • Actions to protect all persons on board in emergencies
  • Abandoning Ship - Last Resort
  • Crew Duties to Passengers
  • Crew duties - Launching Survival Craft
  • Means of Survival
  • Actions to limit damage in emergencies
  • Collision
  • Fire
  • Foundering
  • Grounding
  • Flooding
  • Loss of Stability
  • Blackout
  • Safety and Security of the ship's crew and passengers
  • Safety committee
  • Code of safe working practices
  • Dock safety regulations
  • Chain Register and Certificates
  • Dock Safety Inspector
  • Guarding Dangerous Parts of Machinery
  • Reporting procedures for Incidents
  • Leakages and spills of dangerous cargo
  • ISPS code
  • Requirements of ISPS Code
  • Methods of dealing with stowaways
  • Security Levels as per ISPS Code
  • Actions in case of piracy or armed robbery
  • Best Management Practices
  • Guidelines Provided by Indian Authorities
  • Current Industry best management practices (from ICS)
  • Ship maintenance and repairs
  • Planned maintenance
  • Maintenance of Ropes
  • Maintenance of Wires
  • Maintenance of accommodation ladders
  • Pilot hoists and pilot ladders
  • Watertight doors
  • Mooring equipment
  • Maintenance of Hatch Covers
  • Check Weather Tightness
  • Securing of Hatch Pontoons
  • Side CleatsCross-Joint Wedge
  • Clear Drainage Channel
  • Compression Bars
  • Hydraulic System
  • Cargo Handling Equipment
  • Emergency and Damage Control
  • Damage Control Plan
  • Damage Control Plan (practical)
  • Damage Control Booklets
  • Contingency Planning
  • Emergency Situations
  • Preparations of contingency plans
  • Drawing plans to deal with emergencies
  • Legal aspects
  • Ship construction with regards to damage control
  • Fire Prevention
  • Fire Prevention Principles
  • Fire Detection
  • Fire and smoke detection systems
  • Heat Detectors
  • Smoke Detectors
  • Flame Detectors
  • Cargo Hold Smoke Extraction System
  • Automatic Fire Alarm
  • Different types of fires
  • Fire Fighting Equipment
  • Fire main, Hydrants, Hoses and Nozzles
  • Fire hoses and nozzles
  • Portable and mobile fire-extinguishing equipment
  • Mobile apparatus
  • Portable fire extinguishers
  • Fireman's Outfit
  • Fire Blankets
  • Breathing Apparatus
  • Emergency Escape Breathing Device
  • Resuscitation Apparatus
  • Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems
  • Smothering effect system
  • Fixed CO2 System
  • CO2 Piping
  • Alarms and Controls
  • Quantity of Fire-extinguishing medium
  • Maintenance of CO2 system
  • Fixed foam system
  • Requirements of Fixed Deck Foam Systems
  • Storage Rooms of Fire-extinguishing the Fixed-foam Installation
  • Typical Fixed Foam (liquid induction) System for the deck of a Tanker
  • Inhibitor Effect Systems
  • Cooling Effect System
  • Emergency fire pump
  • Chemical powder applicants
  • Fighting fire on different types of ships and accommodation
  • Ship at sea
  • Ship in port
  • Ship having cargo of dangerous goods
  • Fire Fighting Methods
  • Knowledge of fire safety arrangements
  • Firefighting on Deck
  • Fire in ContainerRO-RO Ships
  • Fire in Bulk carriers
  • Rules and Regulations
  • Fire in Oil Tankers
  • Fire hazards and prevention
  • Fire fighting on oil tankers
  • Static electricity
  • Inert gas systems
  • Purging and gas freeing
  • Fixed hydrocarbon gas detection systems
  • Fire in Chemical Tankers
  • Fire fighting on chemical tankers
  • Fire in Gas carrier
  • Fire hazards and prevention (2)
  • Fire fighting on gas carriers
  • Protection of Cargo Pump-Rooms
  • Firefighting in Machinery space
  • Regulations
  • Common causes of fire and prevention
  • Machinery Spaces fire fighting arrangements
  • Fire Extinguishers and Foam applicator
  • Fire Detection (2)
  • Fire Line and Isolating Relief Valves
  • Fixed Water Spray and Steam System
  • Fire Dampers, remote stop and quick closing valve
  • Automatic fire monitoring systems
  • Immediate Steps in Case of Fire (Action on Fire)
  • Handling Fire in machinery space
  • Multi cylinder Carbon dioxide flooding (Gang Release)
  • Bulk Carbon dioxide Installation
  • Re-entry
  • Fire Fighting in Accommodation
  • Use of Fire Extinguishers
  • Automatic sprinkler systems
  • Fire Doors
  • Bulkhead classification
  • Cargo ship
  • Passenger ship
  • Course of Action
  • Handling Fire in Accommodation
  • Fire Alarms
  • Emergency signals onboard
  • Life Saving Appliances
  • Life Boats
  • Partially Enclosed Life-Boats
  • Totally Enclosed Life-goats
  • Free-Fall Lifeboats
  • Liferafts
  • Inflatable Liferafts
  • Rigid Liferafts
  • Hydrostatic Release Unit
  • Equipment in Survival Craft
  • Rescue Boats
  • Personal Life-saving Appliances
  • Lifebuoys
  • Lifejackets
  • Immersion Suits
  • Thermal Protective Aids
  • Anti-exposure Suits
  • Emergency Radio Equipment
  • Portable Radio Apparatus for Survival Craft
  • Emergency Position-indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs)
  • Search and Rescue Radar Transponder (SARTY
  • Public Address Systems
  • Distress Signals
  • Pyrotechnics
  • Life-saving Signals
  • Line Throwing Appliances
  • Search and Rescue
  • Leadership and Managerial Skills
  • Personnel Management and Training
  • Manage a Ship
  • Acquire skills
  • Handle Problems
  • Lead by Example
  • Maintenance Management
  • Knowledge of the Company Policies and Organizational Structures
  • Organization on board
  • Organizational Hierarchy and Zones of Responsibility
  • Organization on Shore
  • Company Policies and Objectives
  • Case Study story of the magic pipe
  • Cultural Diversity and Communications
  • Understanding Cultural Differences
  • Race Culture and Gender Issues
  • Language Barriers
  • Task and Workload Management
  • Effective Communication Processes
  • Communication is Understanding
  • Communication
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Team Building
  • Characteristics of a Team
  • Dealing with Different Types of People
  • Why Teams Fail
  • How to Sustain Team Effectiveness
  • Planning and Coordination
  • Duties and Zones of Responsibilities
  • Organizational hierarchy and responsibilities
  • Organization Structure
  • Ship Response Plan
  • Delegation
  • Time and Resource Constraints
  • Prioritization
  • Steps in Goal Setting
  • Advantages of Goal Setting
  • How to Set Goals
  • Management Process and Functions
  • Negotiation Skills
  • Negotiating with Shipyards
  • Negotiating with Service Providers
  • Effective Negotiation
  • Situational Awareness
  • Elements of Good Situation Awareness
  • Watch-Keeper Role
  • Fault Detection
  • Loss of Situation Awareness
  • Failures and Preventions
  • Electronic Failure
  • Hydraulic Failure
  • Causes and Remedies
  • Understanding Emergencies
  • Planning Emergency Response
  • Errors and Error Chains
  • The Domino theory
  • The Reason's model
  • Multiple cause theory
  • What are the causes
  • Case Study
  • The Human Element
  • Risk Assessment
  • Managing Risk
  • Regulatory Requirements
  • Assessing Risk
  • Risk Assessment Methods
  • Decision Making
  • Story of John
  • Process of Decision Making
  • Lack of Decision Making Skills
  • Four Types of Decision Makers
  • Outcome effectiveness
  • Stress and Fatigue Management
  • Stress - Types and Causes
  • Stress in Different Situations
  • How to cope with stress
  • Nurture yourself
  • Prioritize and organize
  • Be practical
  • Fatigue Management
  • Causes of Fatigue
  • Effects of Fatigue
  • How can you Protect Yourself from the Onset of Fatigue
  • Rules and Regulations in place to prevent Fatigue
  • Incidents on Board
  • Case Study - Hours of rest
  • Project Management
  • Project Management Tools
  • Flow Chart
  • Gantt Chart
  • Cause and Effect Diagram
  • Critical Path Method (CPM)
  • Management Skills
  • Management Skills - Introduction
  • Team Management
  • Time Management
  • Cost Monitoring
  • Decision Making (2)
  • External Links
  • International maritime conventions and national legislation
  • IMO 1948
  • Organs of the IMO
  • Functions of the Assembly and Council
  • Functions of MSC and MEPC
  • Function of LEG, FAL and TCC
  • Maritime stakeholders
  • Developing International Conventions
  • Role of IMO and Flag States
  • IMO Conventions-Proposal and Adoption, Amendment and Enforcement
  • IMO Conventions by Ratification process, Establishment of Convention
  • Resolution-introduction, Proposal and Adoption
  • IMO Circulars
  • Maritime Law
  • Implementing International Conventions
  • Flag State Legislation
  • Verifying Compliance
  • Implementing Conventions
  • Key IMO Conventions
  • SOLAS 1974
  • Contents of SOLAS
  • Ship certificates under SOLAS
  • Surveys, Verification and Certification
  • Harmonised System of Survey and Certification
  • Regulatory Surveys and Penalties
  • Documents and Certificates to be carried on board
  • MARPOL 7378
  • Annex I - Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Oil
  • Annex II - Regulations for the Control of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in bulk
  • Annex III - Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried by Sea in Packaged Form
  • Annex IV - Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships
  • Annex V - Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships
  • Annex VI - Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships
  • Energy Efficiency of Ships
  • Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control System (ODMCS)
  • Special Areas and PSSAs
  • MARPOL Equipment
  • STCW 1978
  • Overview of the Revised STCW Convention
  • Intemational Instruments
  • STCW Certificate Requirements
  • Conventions on Maritime Safety and Security
  • COLREG 1972
  • CSC 1972
  • FAL 1965
  • IMO Standard forms
  • CrewPassenger list
  • Documents for ArrivalDeparture
  • Recommended practices
  • IMSO 1976
  • LOADLINES 1966
  • SAR 1979
  • Search and Rescue (2)
  • Purpose of IAMSAR manual
  • Role and duties of OSC, SMC and SC
  • Coordinate SAR
  • Operation Procedures
  • Information for initial reporting
  • Information obtained in SITREP
  • Lookout Procedures
  • Surface Rescue Equipment and methods
  • Reception and interrogation of Survivors
  • Assisting a ship or aircraft in distress.
  • Rescue of Persons from Sea or from a Vessel in Distress
  • Waiting for Day Light and Providing a Lee
  • Method of Rescue When Sea Conditions are Too Dangerous to Use Boat
  • STCW-F 1995
  • STP 1971
  • Special Trade passenger ship agreement
  • SUA 1988
  • Conventions on Prevention of Marine Pollution
  • AFS 2001
  • BWM 2004
  • Ballast Water Management
  • Procedures and Arrangement Manual
  • BWM -Possible Treatment Methods
  • BWTTechnologies
  • OPRC 1990
  • OPRC-HNS 2000
  • Recycling
  • Shipbreaking
  • Challenges
  • Solutions
  • Conventions on Liability and Compensation
  • CLC 1969
  • HNS 2010
  • LLMC 1976
  • NUCLEAR 1971
  • Other Conventions
  • INMARSAT OA Amendments
  • SALVAGE 1989
  • Marine salvage process
  • Classification of salvage
  • Contract salvage, pure salvage, naval salvage
  • Assistance and Salvage
  • Definitions
  • LOF 2020
  • Contents and classes of LOF
  • Ship salvage and the law
  • SCOPIC Clause
  • TONNAGE 1969
  • IMO Codes
  • BLU Code 1997
  • css code 1991
  • CTU Code 2014
  • ESP code 2011
  • GRAIN code 1994
  • HSC code 1994
  • IBC code 1983
  • IGC code 1983
  • IGF code 2015
  • III code 2016
  • IMDG code
  • Classification of IMDG Cargo
  • Use of IMDG code
  • Segregation Table
  • Dangerous Goods
  • Recent amendments to IMDG code
  • IMSBC code 2008
  • INF code 2001
  • IS code 2008
  • ISM code 1998
  • Safety Management System (SMS)
  • Responsibilities and Authority
  • Resources and Personnel
  • Shipboard Operations and Emergencies
  • Reports and Analysis
  • Maintenance
  • Documentation and Auditing
  • Certification
  • NOISE code 2014
  • POLAR code 2017
  • RO code 2015
  • TDC code 2011
  • Other Regulations
  • Baseline and Internal Waters
  • ACT-1976 as amended
  • Territorial sea and contiguous zone
  • International Straits
  • High seas
  • The Law of the Seas as implemented in India
  • UNCLOS on Marine Pollution
  • ILO
  • Structure of ILO
  • ILO 147
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • MLC 2006
  • Working hours
  • Condition of employment
  • Food, Accommodation and Recreation
  • Health protection
  • Complaints and Enforcement
  • Flag state responsibilities
  • Port State Responsibilities
  • Labour-Supplying responsibilities
  • International health regulations (IHR)
  • Free pratique
  • Deratting Certificate
  • Requirements of ship Sanitation
  • Declaration of health
  • Flag State Control
  • The role of the Flag State
  • Flag State responsibilities as defined by the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and The International Shipping Federation (ISF)
  • Port State Control
  • Understanding Port State Control
  • Regional MOUs
  • Port State Control (PSC)
  • Some Basic Definitions related to Port State Control
  • Port State Control Inspection Basic Procedure
  • How the PSCOs go about doing their job
  • Targeting
  • Port State Inspection - Precautions by ship's staff
  • List of certificates and documents
  • Classification Societies recommendation to reduce the risk of detention
  • General Checklist
  • PSC Inspections
  • Priority Inspections
  • Expanded Inspection
  • Initial Inspection
  • Clear Grounds
  • In-depth Inspection
  • Security Inspection
  • Preparing for Inspections
  • Detailed Inspections by PSC
  • Machinery Spaces
  • Life-Saving Appliances (LSA) and Fire Safety
  • Others
  • Guidelines for Discharge Requirements
  • Guidelines for Control of Operational Requirements
  • Control
  • Guidelines for Port State Control Related to the ISM Code
  • Action Taken Codes used by the PSCO
  • Contravention and Detention
  • PSC Detentions
  • Submission of Information Concerning Deficiencies
  • Guidelines for Detention of Ship
  • Detainable Deficiencies
  • Banning Detention Orders
  • The right of Appeal
  • Place of Refuge
  • Indian Merchant Shipping Act
  • Registration
  • Ship Registry
  • Selecting a Flag State
  • The Registration Process
  • Documents Required for Change of Flag
  • External links (2)
  • International Institutions
  • IACS
  • IALA
  • IAPH
  • ICS
  • IMB
  • ISF
  • ITF
  • WHO
  • World Shipping Council

Safety and Security on board

Safety and Security on board

Hazardous areas in ships and Safe Working Practices:

  1. Safe Access to Ships and associated Hazards in moving about the ship
  2. Hazards in entering and working in enclosed spaces 
  3. Hazards in lifting heavy loads and handling tools 
  4. Hazards in welding, gas-cutting, and hot work 
  5. Working on the deck and in bad weather
  6. Working in machinery spaces and in accommodation
  7. Working with electrical equipment 
  8. Exposure to dangerous substances and chemicals
  9. Working with wire and fibre ropes and lifting gears
  10. Ship specific hazards
  11. Transportation by water