No. 1: Plan a voyage and conduct navigation
1.1 Voyage Planning and Navigation for all Conditions
1.1.1 Coastal Navigation: Position fixing by bearings and ranges, planning navigation and plotting courses taken into account restricted waters, meteorological conditions, ice, restricted visibility, traffic separation schemes, vessel traffic service (VTS) areas, area of extensive tidal effects, determine positions in all conditions.
1.1.2 Ocean voyage: Ocean passages for the world, sailing directions, routeing charts, and routeing in accordance with general provisions of ship’s routeing, ability to choose best routes. Reporting procedures in accordance with general principles for ship reporting systems and with VTS procedures.
Competence No. 2: Determine position and the accuracy of resultant position fix by any means
2.1 Position Determination
2.1.1 Terrestrial navigation: Ability to use appropriate charts, chart correction, Mercator sailing, errors in position lines, notices to mariners and other publications.
2.1.2 Great-circle sailing: Initial & final course, distance, napier’s rules, position of vertex, composite sailing, transferring great circle course to mercator chart, chart projections.
2.1.3 Celestial navigation: Kepler’s laws of motion, twilights, magnitude of stars, star identification and selection, correction of altitudes, circumpolar bodies, PZX triangle. Calculation of position line and position through which it passes by using sun, stars, moon, planet and using following methods- Meridian altitude, ex-meridian, long-by-chron, intercept and pole star. Position determination by combination of two or more celestial observations. (No calculations shall be based on ambiguity of time or date, incorrect application of chronometer error, index error or dip, etc.)
2.2 Electronic Systems of Position Fixing
2.2.1 Terrestrial electronic position fixing systems: E-Loran (when functional) Principle, operation and errors of E- Loran system.
2.2.2 Satellite electronic position fixing systems: Global Positioning System: Principle, operation and main sources of errors in GPS, Principle and accuracy of differential GPS, IMO performance standards GLONASS, GNSS (Galileo)
2.2.3 Other navigational aids: AIS, VDR, SVDR, LRIT, BNWAS, IMO Performance standards.
2.2.4 Radial steering (ROTI), IMO performance standards, procedure to execute constant radius turn, parallel indexing, and radar plotting
2.2.5 Echo sounders, speed logs: Sources of errors, IMO performance standards.
2.2.6 Course recorder and auto pilot – operation and precautions, settings of auto pilot, adaptive auto pilot systems and its functions, regulations regarding use of auto pilot.
Competence No. 3: Determine and allow for compass errors
3.1 Magnetic Compass Error and Correction: Ship’s permanent magnetic field components P, Q, and R. methods of obtaining table of deviation, compass correction, ability to determine and allow the errors of the magnetic compass, knowledge of the principle of magnetic compass
3.2 Gyro-compass Errors and Corrections: Principle of gyro compass as north seeking instrument, errors of gyro compass, understanding of systems under the control of the master gyro, IMO performance standards for gyro compasses, method of gyro error determination and allowing same
Competence No. 4: Co-ordinate search and rescue operations
4.1 A thorough knowledge of and ability to apply the procedures contained in the IMO International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue (IAMSAR) Manual: IAMSAR Volume 3, Search Patterns, MRCC, RCC, OSC
Competence No. 5: Establish watchkeeping arrangement and procedures
5.1 Watchkeeping Arrangements and Procedures
5.1.1 The content, application and intent of COLREG 1972.
5.1.2 Ensuring the adequacy of a navigational watch: Factors deciding the composition of the watch on the bridge, efficiency of the watch..
5.1.3 Information which should be exchanged between the master and the pilot.
5.1.4 Ensuring the adequacy of an engineering watch: Communication between chief engineer and master, factors deciding the composition of watch.
5.1.5 Vessel Traffic Management System, Ship Reporting System, IMO Ship’s Routeing guide.
Competence No. 6: Maintain safe navigation through the use of information from navigation equipment and systems to assist command decision-making
(Radar, ARPA and Navigation Simulator course)
6.1 Familiarisation with the Simulator's "Own Ship" Characteristics, navigational equipment and Controls.
6.2 Review of Basic Radar and Plotting: An application of system errors and through understanding of the operation aspects of Radar and ARPA.
6.3 Open Water Exercises in the Application of COLREG 1972.
6.4 Familiarisation with the modern navigational aids provided.
6.5 Exercises in Navigation and Collision Avoidance in Confined and congested waters in clear visibility.
6.6 Exercises in and near Traffic Separation Schemes.
6.7 Blind pilotage planning and techniques in above situations.
6.8 Evaluation of navigational information derived from all sources including Radar and ARPA in order to make and implement command decisions for collision avoidance and for directing the safe navigation of the ship.
6.9 The inter-relationship and optimum use of all navigational data available for conducting navigation: Feedback from navigational aids such as gyro and magnetic compasses, speed log, course recorder, echo-sounder, GPS, e-Loran, and their evaluation & interpretation.
Competency No. 7: Maintain the safety of navigation through the use of ECDIS and associated navigation systems to assist command decision making
Note: Training and assessment in the use of ECDIS is not required for those who serve exclusively on ships not fitted with ECDIS. This limitation shall be reflected in the endorsement issued to the seafarer concerned
Electronic chart display information systems (ECDIS)
7.1 Management of operational procedures, system files and data, including
7.1.1 manage procurement, licensing and updating of chart data and system software to conform to established procedures;
7.1.2 system and information updating, including the ability to update ECDIS system version in accordance with vendor’s product development
7.1.3 create and maintain system configuration and backup files;
7.1.4 create and maintain log files in accordance with established procedures;
7.1.5 create and maintain route plan files in accordance with established procedures;
7.1.6 use ECDIS log-book and track history functions for inspection of system functions, alarm settings and user responses;
7.2 Use ECDIS playback functionality for passage review, route planning and review of system functions
Competence No. 8: Forecast weather and oceanographic conditions
8.1 Meteorology
8.1.1 The atmosphere: Diurnal variation of temperature, relative humidity, lapse rate, adiabatic changes, diurnal variation of pressure, geostrophic wind, gradient and cyclostrophic winds, doldrums, ITCZ.
8.1.2 Climatology: General distribution of surface temperature, surface current, sea fog, pattern of clouds, global warming
8.1.3 Tropical revolving storms: Knowledge of the characteristic of tropical revolving storms and various weather systems, avoidance of storm centres and the dangerous quadrants, signs of approaching TRS, messages required to be sent as per SOLAS, typical and possible tracks of TRS, frontal and non frontal depressions- distribution of weather, synoptic patterns
8.1.4 Weather forecasting: Cold and warm front, occlusion on a synoptic chart, codes on synoptic charts and prognostic charts, isobars on the weather chart, analysis of synoptic chart, MARFOR, information received by weather fax, wave charts, ice charts, shipping forecast, structure of weather bulletin & use of International code.
8.2 Oceanography
8.2.1 Ocean currents: Causes of ocean currents, characteristics of ocean currents, weather associated with ocean currents, charting of the current and main currents in the world oceans.
8.2.2 Waves: Speed, length, period, height & significance of waves, difference between waves and swell, significant wave height, fetch, wave period, wind rose.
8.2.3 Ice on the sea: Different types of ice, icebergs, limits of icebergs, formation of ice, accumulation of ice, ice accretion on ships, International Ice Patrol, messages required to be sent as per SOLAS.
8.3 Weather Routeing: Information of current, wind and ice to select an optimum route, use of wave charts to select the best route, weather routeing services available to shipping, ship’s performance curves.
8.4 Calculation of tides for standard and secondary ports
8.5 Use of all appropriate nautical publications on tides and currents: Routeing charts, tide tables, current and tidal stream atlases
Competence No. 9: Respond to navigational emergencies
9.1 Contingency Plans for Response to Emergencies: Muster list, assignment of duties to personnel, composition of emergency team, drawing of plans to deal with heavy weather damage, excessive listing, bilging & flooding, fire in specific areas, stranding, abandoning ship, spillage of noxious substances, piracy & armed robbery and collision.
9.2 Measures which should be taken in emergencies for the protection and safety of the ship, passengers and crew
9.2.1 Precautions to be taken when beaching a vessel – Circumstances in which the vessel is to be beached, precautions to be taken and procedure to be obtained while beaching.
9.2.2 Actions to be taken on stranding: Actions to be taken if stranding is imminent and after stranding, distress or urgency signal, discharge of harmful substances, assessment of damage control, refloating by stranded ship with & without assistance.
9.2.3 Actions to be taken following a collision: Duties of Master if collision is imminent and following a collision or impairment of the water tight integrity of the hull, measures to limit damage, salving own ship, log book entries.
9.2.4 Precautions for the protection and safety of passengers in emergency situations: Duties of some crew members to assist and muster passengers, precautions for the protection and the safety of passengers in emergency situations.
9.2.5 Means of limiting damage and salving the ship following a fire or explosion: Cooling of compartment boundaries, inspection for damage, procedures for making a man entry, use of fixed fire fighting systems, rescue of persons from spaces, and continuous watch on damaged area.
9.2.6 Procedure for abandoning ship: Situations under which to abandon ship, duties of personnel, distress call transmission until acknowledgement, use of distress signal to attract attention, launching of boats and liferafts in heavy weather.
9.2.7 Use of auxiliary steering, and emergency steering gear - Change over bridge control to local control in the steering gear compartment, standard emergency steering procedures, proper communication from the bridge
9.2.8 Arrangements for towing and being taken in tow: Emergency Towing Booklet, permission from owners for towing, early communication with the vessel being towed, procedure for towing in good and rough weather conditions, towing speed, bollard pull, Emergency Towing Arrangements
9.2.9 Rescue of persons from a vessel in distress or from a wreck: Waiting for daylight, selection of rescue boats.
9.2.10 Man-overboard procedures: Recovering a person from the sea in heavy weather, action to take when a person is reported missing at sea.
9.2.11 Actions which can be taken when emergencies arise in port (at berth or at anchor).
9.2.12 Actions to be taken in case of ship threatened by pirates or armed robbers, IMB, PRC, UKMTO,
MSCHOA, national regulations.
Competence No. 10: Manoeuvre and handle a ship in all conditions
10.1 Manoeuvring when Approaching a Pilot Vessel or Station, with due regard to Weather, Tide, Head reach and Stopping Distance: Preparation of passage plan, contact with the pilot, preparation for picking up the pilot, readiness of anchors for letting go, making a lee for the pilot boat, understanding of head reach and stopping distance of the vessel while picking up pilot, rudder cycling.
10.2 Handling a Ship in Rivers, Estuaries, having regard to the Effects of Current, Wind and Restricted Water on the Response to the Helm and Stopping Distance: Shallow water effect, turning radius, increased directional stability, slow response by the steering at reduced speeds, squatting, effect of current and wind on helm response.
10.3 Berthing and Un-berthing under Various Conditions of Wind, Current and Tide, with or without Tugs' assistance: Effect of wind, current on handling of the ship while berthing and unberthing with or without tugs, interaction between ships, ship-tug interaction, bank cushion, bank suction, advantages of controllable pitch propeller (CPP), manoeuvring with twin screws, use of lateral thrusters, use of anchors in manoeuvring,
10.4 Anchoring Distance: Choice of anchorage, swinging circle, direction and strength of current, procedure of anchoring with one or two anchors in limited anchorages, factors involved in determining the length of anchor cable, dragging anchor, clearing foul hawse/anchor, slipping of anchor; Running, standing, open and Mediterranean moor
10.5 Lighterage at Sea: Ship to ship transfer guide, Lighterage preparations for both vessels, method of separating on completion of transfer operations.
10.6 Dry-docking: Information required by dry dock authorities, ship plans, stern trim, critical condition, use of bilge blocks, breast shores, precautions before flooding the dock, floating dry dock, critical period of floating dry dock.
10.7 Management and Handling of Ships in Heavy Weather: Assisting a ship or air craft in distress, pooping, broaching-to, precautions to be taken before onset of heavy weather, towing operations, synchronous and parametric rolling, rolling period,
10.8 Determining Manoeuvring and Propulsion Characteristics of Major Types of Ships, with special reference to Stopping Distances and Turning Circles at Various Draughts and Speeds: Manoeuvring characteristics, sea-trial turning circle, turning circle in shallow water at various speeds, effect of wind on the behaviour of the ship, trials of steering ability, handling vessels with inadequate stability.
10.9 Practical Measures to be Taken when Navigating in Ice or Conditions of Ice Accumulation on
Board: Types of ice, sources of information on ice condition, ice sterns, measures to be taken when navigating in or near ice, precautions in entering ice, ice accommodation on board, Polar code, master’s obligation to report, freezing sprays.
10.10 The Use of, and Manoeuvring in, and near Traffic Separation Schemes and in vessel traffic service (VTS) areas.
10.11 Importance of navigating at reduced speed to avoid damage to other ships/structures in restricted waters caused by own ship’s bow wave and stern wave
10.12 Precautions in manoeuvring the ship to be able to launch rescue boats in bad weather
Competence No. 11: Operate remote controls of propulsion plant and engineering systems and services
11.1 Marine Engineering Terms and Fuel Consumption:
11.1.1 Marine engineering terms: Mass, force, work, power, energy, stress and strain, heat and their units, efficiency of a machine, indicated & shaft power, propeller power and thrust.
11.1.2 Fuel consumption: Admiralty coefficient, fuel coefficient, fuel consumption, thermal efficiency, propeller efficiency, indicator diagrams, displacement and speed of a ship and relationship between them, fuel economy.
11.2 Auxiliaries :
11.2.1 Auxiliary boilers: Water tube and fire tube boilers, exhaust-gas heat exchangers, priming, safety valve, treatment of feed water.
11.2.2 Distillation and fresh-water systems: operation of a flash evaporator, reverse osmosis, domestic water system, drinking water treatment.
11.2.3 Pumps and pumping systems: Different types of pumps and its uses,(reciprocating, gear, screw, centrifugal, submersible, deep well pumps); typical bilge and ballast system for a dry cargo ship.
11.2.4 Steering gears: Different types of steering gears (ram, rotary vane, electrical), IMO requirements for steering gears, tele motor systems, IMO requirement for testing auxiliary and main steering gears
11.2.5 Generators, alternators and electrical distribution: Operation of an alternator, A. C. and D. C. distribution systems, use of circuit rackets & breakers.
11.2.6 Refrigeration, air-conditioning and ventilation: Properties of a refrigerant, vapour-compression cycle refrigeration plant, air conditioning plant, ventilation system for accommodation and ship holds.
11.2.7 Stabilisers: Construction and operation of fin stabiliser.
11.2.8 Sewage treatment plants: Operation of chemical and biological sewage treatment plants and regulations regarding discharge.
11.2.9 Oily-water Separators and oil filtering equipment: OWS; ODMCS; Proactive measures to prevent
pollution of marine environment.
11.2.10 Incinerators: functioning of a waste incinerator.
11.2.11 Deck machinery: Steam, electric and hydraulic drives, cargo winches, forward windlass, aft mooring winch.
11.2.12 Hydraulic systems: Ram & rotary-vane actuators, hydraulic accumulator, heating of oil.
11.3 Marine Power Plants :
11.3.1 Diesel engines: Types of diesel engines (2- stroke and 4- stroke), operation procedures, crankcase explosion, scavenge fire, and supercharging; F.O, L.O, and cooling water systems.
11.3.2 Steam turbine systems: Steam turbine and its gearing, working of an impulse and reaction turbine,
11.3.3 Propeller and propeller shaft: Sketch of a propeller, pitch, slip and efficiency of a propeller, indicated power, shaft power, delivered power and effective power; calculation of ship’s speed, operation of controllable pitch propeller (CPP).
11.3.4 Bridge control: Bridge control system, bridge control of controllable pitch propeller, indicators and alarms, lateral thrusters.
11.4Engine room watch keeping
11.4.1 Arrangements necessary for appropriate and effective engineering watches to be maintained for the purpose of safety under normal circumstances and UMS operations.
11.4.2 Arrangements necessary to ensure a safe engineering watch is maintained when carrying dangerous cargo
Competence No. 12: Plan and ensure safe loading, stowage, securing, care during the voyage and unloading of cargoes
12.1 Dry Cargoes:
12.1.1 Timber deck cargoes: Code of safe practice for ships carrying timber deck cargoes, action if cargo is lost overboard, requirements when loading timber, stability information.
12.1.2 Loading, stowage and discharge of heavy weights: Load density, rigging of an heavy lift derrick, precautions while loading a heavy weight,
12.1.3 Procedures for receiving, tallying and delivering cargo: Special cargoes, tally sheets, mate’s receipts, note of protest, parties to whom cargoes should be delivered.
12.1.4 Care of cargo during carriage: Crushing, chafing, ventilation of cargo, Code of safe practice for
cargo stowage and securing, Cargo Securing Manual
12.1.5 Container Carriers: Construction, types and marking of containers, Bay plans and stack weight, anti-heeling tanks, torsional stresses, lashing materials for securing containers, Container Code, Procedures for loading and carriage of refrigerated containers
12.1.6 Car Carriers, , Reefer ships and Ro-Ro Ships: General outline, precautions when working cargo with these types of ships.
12.2 Cargo-handling Gear and Hatch Covers :
12.2.1 Requirements applicable to cargo-handling gear: Competent person, authorised person, loose gear, national laws for cargo operations, marking beams and portable hatch covers, thorough examination of cargo gear, Register for ship’s lifting appliances and cargo handling gear
12.2.2 Maintenance of cargo gear: Inspection of cargo gear, maintenance of cargo gear, annealing of loose gear, testing of lifting appliances
12.2.3 Maintenance of hatch covers: Side cleats and cross-joint wedge mechanism, tightness and hose testing before loading.
12.3 Keeping a Watch in Port
12.3.1 Arrangements necessary for appropriate and effective deck watches to be maintained for the purpose of safety under normal circumstances
Competence No. 13: Assess reported defects and damage to cargo spaces, hatch covers and ballast tanks and take appropriate action:
13.1Knowledge of the limitations on strength of the vital constructional parts of a standard bulk carrier and ability to interpret given figures for bending moments and shear forces.
13.2 Ability to explain how to avoid the detrimental effects on bulk carriers of corrosion, fatigue and inadequate cargo handling
Competence No. 14: Carriage of dangerous cargoes
14.1 Dangerous, Hazardous and Harmful Cargoes:
14.1.1 Dangerous goods in packages: SOLAS Ch. VII, IMDG code, MARPOL Annex III, dangerous cargo manifest, precautions when working with dangerous goods, port authority inspections before loading dangerous goods.
14.1.2 Solid bulk cargoes: IMSBC code, main hazards with the shipment of bulk solids, precautions to be taken, Bulk carrier loading and unloading (BLU) code, .precautions to be taken prior
entering cargo holds.
14.1.3 Grain Cargoes: SOLAS Ch. VI, IMO grain code, securing free grain surface in partly failed compartment, grain loading stability booklet and related calculations
14.1.4 Arrangements necessary to ensure a safe deck watch is maintained when carrying hazardous cargo
14.2 Outline knowledge of Tanker Operations :
14.2.1 Terms and definitions: General knowledge of tankers, tanker arrangement, cargo piping systems, cargo pumps and tanker operation, crude oil, refined products, spiked crude, sour crude, Reid vapour pressure, upper flammable and lower flammable limit, flammability diagram
14.2.2 Contents and application of the International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT)
14.2.3 Oil tanker operations and related pollution-prevention regulations: Segregated ballast, clean ballast, dirty ballast, slop tank, inert gas system, COW, cleaning and gas freeing tanks, loading and discharging operations on a tanker.
14.2.4 Chemical tankers: SOLAS Ch VII, MARPOL Annex II, dedicated or parcel trades, rules regarding chemical tankers, IMO conventions covering the carriage of chemicals in bulk, BCH and IBC codes, categories of cargo, hazards, types of tank coatings, P & A manual, equipment for evaluation of tank atmosphere, pre-arrival check list, types of tanks, and tank arrangements with piping.
14.2.5 Tank cleaning and control of pollution in chemical tankers: Phases in tank cleaning operations, use of fixed or portable tank washing machines, hazards in tank cleaning, use of slop tanks, cycle of a tank washing system. Annex II of MARPOL 73/78.
14.2.6 Gas tankers: Ch. VII of SOLAS, SIGGTO, LNG, LPG, LEG and chemical gases, IGC code, certificate of fitness, various types of ships, various types of tanks, re-liquefaction plant, deep well pump, pre-arrival checklist
14.2.7 Cargo operations in gas tankers: Information needed before loading, various cargo operations, hazards with cargo operation with gas tankers.
14.3 Methods and Safeguards when Fumigating Holds: Reasons for the control of pest, International health regulations, and precautions when the vessel is fumigated.
14.4 Cargo Calculations:
14.4.1 Draft Survey and related Calculations.
14.4.2 Cargo Calculations: Use of ASTM tables for calculating cargo in a tank, excluding mixture/blend of cargoes.
14.5 Use of stability and trim diagrams and stress-calculating equipment, including automatic
data-based (ADB) equipment, and knowledge of loading cargoes and ballasting in order to keep hull stress within acceptable limits
Competence No. 15: Control trim, stability and stress
15.1 Ship Construction:
15.1.1 - Welding: Down hand vertical and overhead welding, butt, lap, tack and fillet welds, chain and intermittent welding, weld faults, tests of welds, electric arc welding, TIG and MIG, resistance welding and submerged arc welding (SAW)
- Bulkheads: Regulations, types of bulkheads, transverse bulkheads and racking stresses, margin line, weather tight, rule regarding penetration of collision bulkhead, testing of bulkheads for water tightness.
- Watertight and weather-tight doors: Water tight and weather tight doors, categories of watertight doors, rules regarding water-tight doors, records of drills and inspections, ramp doors of Ro-Ro vessel, ship side doors, hinged and power operated doors,.
- Corrosion and its prevention: corrosion, erosion and corrosion triangle, stress concentration, types of corrosion, galvanic actions, cathodic protection, impressed current system, structure and purpose of paint constituents, treatment of steel in a shipyard, preparing a surface for painting, Material Safety Data Sheets, typical paint schemes, wetted surface area.
- Surveys, certification & dry-docking: Statutory and mandatory surveys, frequency of classification society surveys, items to examine in dry dock, cleaning preparation and painting of the hull in dry dock. Surveys and certification including Harmonised Ship Surveys and Enhanced Surveys, Condition Assessment Scheme and Condition Assessment Programme.
15.1.2 - Ship building materials: Use of high tensile steel and aluminium in shipbuilding, properties of steel, , stress and strain curve
- Ship yard practice: General layout of a ship yard and co-operation between departments, ship’s plans and test for ship building steel
- Understands brief outline of
.1 loadline convention: assignment of freeboard, multiple load lines, type A and type B ships, load line survey.
.2 tonnage convention: GT, NT, excluded spaces, enclosed spaces
.3 passenger ships subdivision: floodable length, permissible length, sub divisional load line
.4 fire integrity of ships: types of bulkhead, standard fire test.
- Midship section of ships and outline of constructional features of different types of ships.
15.2 Stability :
15.2.1 - Approximate calculation of areas and volumes: Simpson’s rule to calculate areas, volumes and centroids.
- Effects of density: TPC, FWA, DWA , fore and aft drafts, and calculations
- Calculation of free Surface effect
- Simplified stability data: Stability information supplied in simplified form, use of diagrams of dead weight moment, minimum permissible GM.
- Trim and list: LCG, LCB and relationship with trim, trimming moment, MCTC and effect of change of density on MCTC, loading a given mass to produce a required trim, loading a mass to keep the aft draught constant, correction of draughts, forward aft and mid-ship, use of trim tables, KN curves, effect on GZ due to shift of weights, effect of change in length, breadth and freeboard on GZ curve, area under GZ curve.
- Dynamical stability: Definition of dynamical stability and calculation of same.
- Intact stability requirements for carriage of the grain, use of maximum permissible VHM curves; and related calculations
- Dry-docking and grounding: Virtual loss of GM due to dry docking and grounding, critical instant, critical period, upthrust, calculation of residual GM and draft.
15.2.2 - Moments of inertia calculations, liquid pressure and centre of pressure, theorem of parallel axis, thrust due to liquid pressure, BMl and BMt.
- Stability at moderate and large angles of heel: GZ = GM sin for angles of heel up to 10°, GZ = (GM + ½ BM tan2) sin , BM = I/V, KM = KB + BM.
- Approximate GM by means of rolling period tests
- Inclining test: Procedure and precautions when carrying out inclining test and calculation of KG.
- Recommendation on intact stability for passenger and cargo ships: Precautions against capsizing, recommended criteria for passenger and cargo ship, stability information, IMO wind criteria, heel while turning
- Rolling of ships: Effect of GM on rolling, effect of draught and displacement on rolling, function of bilge keels, synchronous and parametric rolling, anti-rolling tanks and stabiliser fins to reduce the amplitude of rolling.
- Shear force, bending moments and torsional stress: Meaning of shear force, bending moments and torsional stresses, diagram of shear force and bending moments, maximum permissible torsional moments, draws a diagram of shear force and bending moment.
- Flooding of compartments: Margin line, permeability of a space, floodable length, permissible length of compartment, factor of sub division, type A, type B ships.
- Effect of flooding on transverse stability: Virtual loss of GM due to flooding, permeability of cargo, effect of bilging due to flooding of mid-ship compartments.
- Effect of flooding on trim: Calculation of movement of centre of rotation, calculation of the reduction of MCTC, given the dimension of bilged space, calculates the draft in damaged condition.
Competence No. 16 Monitor and control compliance with legislative requirements and measures to ensure safety of life at sea and protection of the marine environment.
16.1 Introduction to Maritime Law
16.2 Law of the Sea: Conventions on the law of the sea, Territorial sea and the contiguous zone, International straits, Exclusive economic zone and continental shelf, High seas,.
16.3 Safety: Outline knowledge of the following safety conventions:
16.3.1 International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 (LL 1966), as amended
16.3.2 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 as amended (SOLAS)
16.3.3 International Convention on Standards of Training, and Watch keeping for Seafarers, 1978 (STCW) as amended
16.3.4 Convention for the suppression of unlawful act against the Safety of Maritime Navigation 1988 as amended
16.3.5 ITU Radio Regulations
16.4 Pollution: Outline knowledge of the following pollution conventions and their amendments:
16.4.1 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973.
16.4.2 London Dumping Convention (LDC).
16.4.3 Intervention convention.
16.4.4 Civil Liability convention (CLC) and Fund Convention.
16.4.5 Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response & Co-operation Convention (OPRC)
16.4.6 Precautions, which should be taken by the master to prevent operational pollution: Use of oil
record book, IOPP certificate.
16.4.7 Precautions which should be taken by the master to prevent accidental pollution: Routine checking and maintenance of equipment, proper communication during oil operations, protection and preservation of the marine environment.
16.4.8 Reporting of incidents: need for prompt reporting, meaning of probability of discharge
16.5 Passengers
16.5.1 Special Trade Passenger Ships Agreement.
16.5.2 Protocol and Rules on Space Requirements for Special Trade Passenger Ships, 1973
16.5.3 Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea
16.6 Tonnage
16.6.1 International Convention On Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969 as amended.
16.7 ILO Maritime Labour Convention (MLC)-2006
a) Minimum requirements for seafarers to work on ships: minimum age, medical certificates, training and qualification, recruitment and placement.
b) Conditions of Employment: Seafarers Employment Agreements, Wages, Hours of Work and Hours of Rest, Entitlement to Leave, Repatriation, Seafarer compensation for the ship’s Loss or Foundering, Manning Levels, Career and Skill Development and Opportunities for Seafarers’ Employment
c) Accommodation, Recreational Facilities, Food and Catering
d) Health Protection, Medical Care, Welfare & Social Security Protection: Medical Care on-board ship and Ashore, Ship-owners’ Liability, Health & Safety Protection and Accident Prevention, Access to Shore-based Welfare Facilities, Social Security
e)Compliance and Enforcement
i) Flag State Responsibilities: General Principles, Authorization of Recognised Organizations, Maritime Labour Certificate and Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance, Inspection and Enforcement, On-board Complaint Procedures, Marine Casualties
ii) Port State Responsibilities: Inspections in Port, Detailed Inspection, Detentions, On-shore Seafarer Complaint Handling Procedures
iii) Labour-supplying Responsibilities: Recruitment and Placement services, Social security
16.8 Arrival Documents and Procedures as amended:
16.8.1 International Health Regulations (IHR)
16.8.2 Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, (FAL 1965)
16.8.3 Noting protests
16.9 Collision
16.9.1 International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law with respect to Collision between Vessels, and Relating to Penal Jurisdiction in Matters of Collision or other Incidents of
16.10 Assistance and Salvage
16.10.1 International Salvage Convention
16.10.2 Lloyd's Standard Form of Salvage Agreement (LOF)
16.11 Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims
16.12 Classification Societies
16.12.1 Overview of all classification society rules
16.13 Cargo
16.13.1 International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading (Hague-Visby Rules), Hamburg Rules
16.13.2 Charter-parties- voyage, time, demise charter party; contract of affreightment;
16.14 General Average and Marine Insurance
16.14.1 The York-Antwerp Rules: General average act, sacrifice, rights to contribution.
16.14.2 Marine insurance: voyage, time and floating policy; perils covered.
16.15 Certificates and Documents required to be Carried by International Conventions and Agreements
16.16 National Maritime Legislation:
16.16.1General provisions of Merchant Shipping Act & brief outline of Rules made thereunder
Competence No. 17: Maintain safety and security of the ships crew and passengers and the operational condition of life-saving, fire fighting and other safety systems
17.1 A thorough knowledge of life-saving appliance regulations (International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea) - LSA Code
17.2 Organisation of fire and abandon ship drills
17.3 Maintenance of operational condition of life-saving, fire-fighting and other safety systems
17.4 Actions to be taken to protect and safeguard all persons on board in emergencies
17.5 Actions to limit damage and salve the ship following a fire, explosion, collision or grounding
17. 6 Safety and Security of the ship’s crew and passengers: Safety committee, maintenance of safety equipment, care and maintenance of rope wires, code of safe working practices, dock safety regulation, Reporting of accidents, ISPS code, security levels and duties, actions in case of piracy or armed robbery,.
17.7 Ship maintenance and repairs: Planned maintenance, maintenance of ropes, wires, accommodation ladders, pilot hoists/ ladders, W/T doors, mooring equipment, hatch covers and cargo handling equipment.
Competence No. 18: Develop emergency & damage control plans & handle emergency situations
18.1 Emergency situations
18.1.1 Demonstrates the knowledge of preparation of contingency plans for response to emergencies: Drawing plans to deal with emergencies, legal aspects and seamanship practises.
18.1.2 Understands ship construction with regards to damage control
18.1.3 Explains methods and aids for fire prevention, detection and extinction: Fire prevention procedures, different types of fires and fire fighting equipment to be used, fighting fire on different types of ship.
18.1.4 Understands functions and use of life saving appliances: Different types of emergencies, actions taken, life saving appliances and instructions to use it.
Competence No. 19: Use of leadership and managerial skills
19.1 Knowledge of shipboard personnel management and training
19.2 A knowledge of related international maritime conventions and recommendations, and national legislation
19.3 Ability to apply task and workload management, including
19.3.1 planning and co-ordination
19.3.2 personnel assignment
19.3.4 time and resource constraints
19.3.5 prioritization
19.4 Knowledge and ability to apply effective resource management
19.4.1 allocation, assignment, and prioritization of resources,
19.4.2 effective communication on board and ashore,
19.4.3 decisions reflect consideration of team experiences,
19.4.4 assertiveness and leadership, including motivation,
19.4.5 obtaining and maintaining situation awareness
19.5 Knowledge and ability to apply decision-making techniques
19.5.1 situation and risk assessment,
19.5.2 identify and generate options,
19.5.3 selecting course of action,
19.5.4 evaluation of outcome effectiveness
19.6 Development, implementation, and oversight of standard operating procedures
Competence No. : 20 Organise and manage the provision of medical care on board.
Medical care course
1) Upgradation Course (operational level) of 40 hours from STCW 1995 to STCW 2010 may be done before or after Chief Mates (F.G) Phase I or Phase II Competency course. Candidates who have undergone Second Mates function course on or after 15th Dec 2010 under the revised syllabus are exempted from attending this course.
2) In addition to the above, the candidates who have undergone Chief Mates (F.G) Phase I Course as per STCW 1995 (Phase I course before 15th Sept 2011) are required to do the 3 - day Upgradation Course (Management level- Phase I) before or after Phase II Competency course .
3) Moreover, other requirements as stated in the STCW Circular dealing with Upgradation of Masters and Deck Officers are in any case need to be complied with, where applicable
Function: Navigation
1 Voyage planning and Navigation for various conditions such as in restricted Waters/Meteorological condition/Ice /TSS/Restricted visibility/Gross of extensive tidal effect/ Ship routing and reporting systems criteria
2 Position determination in all conditions by celestial terrestrial observations. Various publication of modern electronic aids with knowledge of principles/error/corrections etc. Knowledge of principles of Magnetic/
Gyro/Compass and Master Gyro System and care of all other navigation equipments on the Bridge.
3 Through knowledge and addition of collision Regulations/Buoyage system.
4 Through knowledge and application of the principles to be observed in keeping an effective navigation watch (Senior Officer duties).
5 Assist Master with Commend decision – making situations on bridge.
6 Ability to understand and interpret synoptic chart to forecast area weather taking into account local weather Condition and information received by Weather Fax and Weather Routing.
7 Knowledge of characterizes of various weather systems including TRS avoiding actions in storm centers/ Dangerous quadrants.
8 Knowledge of ocean current systems/tidal calculations/publications relating to this.
9 Handling of various emergencies beaching, grounding, collision / assessment of damage control / emergency
Steering / emergency towing arrangements and towing procedures.
Function: Cargo handling and stowage
1. Knowledge of cargo related terminology/load destiny/ stowage factor/ angle of repose and various plans used for cargo loading
1-a Knowledge and applications of international Regulations, Codes concerning safe handling, stowage, securing and transport of cargoes. Examples:-
Bulk Codes, Grain Code, Lashing Code, IMDG Code, Timber Code, ISGOT, etc.
2 Knowledge and application of the effect on Trim & Stability of cargoes and its operations.
3 Use of stability and trim diagram and stress calculating equipment including Automatic data based equipment hull, stress calculation within acceptable limits.
4 Stowage and Securing/Trimming of various types of cargoes on various ships i.e. General Cargo (Steel plate, pulp, bagged cargo)/Bulk (Urea, MOP, Coal, Sulphur, Iron Containers including Refrigerated type Passenger (Duties relating to Pass/Cargo), Timber (Wood Pulp, Sawan Timber, lumber) RO-RO (various types Light/Heavy vehicles and knowledge of Livestock/pure Car Carrier, Refrigerated cargo ship).
5 Definition of Heavy Lifts Loading/Stowage & Securing of Heavy Lifs on a General Cargo/ Multi Container/Bulk Carrier.
6 Knowledge of Oil/Chemical /LPG/Tanker Operations relating to ship operation, care of personnel and Stowage Tanker (various of heavy and light oil).
Chemical (various types of heavy and light oil)
LPG (various types of gases as per gas code
7 Carriage of IMDG/Dangerous, Hazardous and harmful cargoes
D Transit Care
8 Precautions during loading and unloading and care during voyage of said cargoes.
E Documents
9 Knowledge and application of various cargo related documents such as stowage plan, shipping list, boat note Mate’s receipt, B/L, shipping documents, DG Manifest.
10 Documents with regard to cargo claims, disputes, damage etc., note of protest and knowledge of collection of evidence.
11 Contingencies plan/Remedial action during loading /unloading of cargoes.
Example:- Cargo Gear Breakdown/Power failure/Oil Spillage, Bilge Leakages into hold with cargo, concentrates becoming liquids
1 Definitions of Operation/ Environment protection.
1-a Knowledge of fundamental principles of ship construction, various ships plans/manuals used for operation ballasting and DE ballasting deck machinery.
2 Statutory Certificates requirements and their validity including various documents relating to Official Log Book, Oil Record Book, Chain Register thorough knowledge of Dock labour regulations.
3 Knowledge and application of Articles of Agreement and other Bi-party /Tri-party Agreements on board Indian/ Foreign ships. Knowledge of provisions for indiscipline on board under various Rules/Regulations.
4 Knowledge of ISM/STCW 95 code relating to the duties of chief mate.
4-a Knowledge of statutory certificate /class/port state control/ flag state/damage etc. surveys and inspection.
5 A thorough knowledge of LSA/FFA and L & SS (Screening of Navigation Lights) Regulations /Organization of Drills and maintenance of these appliances under SOLAS.
6 P.M.S. for hull deck machinery, accommodation emergency/steering gear and anchor cable.
7 Knowledge of personnel Management, Organization and Training on board as head of Deck Department.
8 Knowledge of occupational hazards on ship, crew welfare, social responsibility. In accordance with code of safe working practice for merchant seamen.
9 Preparation of contingency plans for response to various emergencies :-
Fire, Explosion, Collision or Grounding, Cargo shift, Flooding, Foundering , Piracy and Pilferage.
10 Anchoring /Mooring:-
Procedures for use of these equipments including slipping of cables, foul anchor, foul cable, anchor dragging and ground tackle.
11 brief knowledge on manoeuvring of ships in rivers & Harbours/Berthing Alongside under various conditions without Tugs.
12 Management of ship in adverse situation at sea, Heavy Weather duties /Handling of disabled ship.
13 preparations of Dry-docking /Undocking. Use of shores, Bilge blocks and bilge shores.
14 Measures to be taken to prevent the spillage of oil during cargo work. Bunkering or oil transfer. The keeping of records under the M.S (Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by oil) Rules.